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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love Thy Neighbor

Each year, our ministry group celebrate February as “Love Thy Neighbor” month. We encourage each other to show a little kindness toward someone. God gives us His two most important commandments in Luke 10:27 NIV, ”Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.” Your neighbor is everyone, and anyone, not just the person who lives next door. I read a story about a friend of mine this week being stuck in the snow as he was driving his wife to work. A total stranger stopped, plowed and dug him out, to accept only a handshake for his act of kindness. I also observed another friend, who was storm-stayed from his business, shoveling a neighbors’ driveway, just to help. You see, these are the types of things that God loves to see. They are the actions that show the obedience to this scripture.

Valentines’ day was this week and I’m sure that love was in the air more abundantly than usual. Many, including me, professed love for our mate, and gave thanks for their love in return. Imagine now, if we could just harness that and recycle it every day. It can happen, but it has to start with each of us. Put love out there and I guarantee that God will multiply it and send it back to you. Wouldn’t it be nice to erase the threat of war, the reality of hate, the prejudice of a color, and the disease of intolerance? Wouldn’t it be great to shake a hand in friendship, rather than shake a fist in anger? Isn’t having faith in God a better option than a fight over man made religions? I think so. A friend of mine, who is an atheist, made a wonderful statement this week. He said that everyone deserves peace, and on that, we agreed. He demonstrated to me that even though we are on different ends of the faith spectrum we can still be friends. That dear friends is loving your neighbor. I encourage everyone to love forward. Mend a fence with someone, leave past injuries to heal over, love your neighbor, and reconnect with Jesus. After all, we should remember what He did to show His love for His neighbor. You.

Mike Shindruk

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