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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

When The World Demands An Answer

I have listened to the skeptics for years tear down the faiths of the world (primarily the Christian faith) and yet they have not once offered a proven alternative for the Creation story. I have heard theories that change every time a new scientist decides that they have an even better understanding or theory that trumps all others but the Christian faith has not changed. When the world says the universe began with a big bang, my question is Who provided the spark? When the world says that the infinite material that created the universe came from that big bang, my question is Who provided the immense amount of material required to produce the infinite universe. When the world says that mankind was ultimately born from the primordial ooze through an unprovable and non-replicable process. So, the question is this; why is the theory of the beginning of the universe and all things in it held as the norm while Creationism is mocked? All I can think of is that we mock that which we do not understand and therefore when I mock the theories of the world it is not because I am scared of the theory but rather that I do not fully understand it.

A few weeks ago, I was asked to defend my position as a defender of Intelligent Design and rather than start an argument, I ask the other person to tell me what they knew of Creationism and found so many misconceptions and fallacies in their understanding. They had been taught a load of hokum, read only that which would substantiate their own bias and, when offered alternative insights, I could see the eyes start to stare off as they began to formulate their response before I have even gotten halfway into the response. So, here is my response:

May your unfailing love come to me, Lord, your salvation, according to your promise; then I can answer anyone who taunts me, for I trust in your word. Never take your word of truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in your laws. Ps 119:41-43 NIV

He has provided the foundation of life for us all, designed it for our purpose and given us the hope and joy of a long and glorious future in His presence. None can dispute the Word of God because it is a Truth that is beyond time and understanding of those who come against it. My question is this, why would you want to? What does the world have to offer beyond the grave? My God offers eternity through the sacrifice of God’s own Son. It costs nothing for us and is available to those who ask. Can the world offer this type of peace, joy and hope? This is the answer I demand but have yet to hear a response.

This Sunday, we gather once again to celebrate the Giver of life, the Author of the Universe. We look to the Word (Ps 119:41-48) and give thanks that He gives us the answers to all eternity. We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or watch live online on Facebook ( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

Monday, July 29, 2019

Peter's Picks

The Perfect 7-day Diet – Peter’s Picks
‘There is Hope’
Day 1: Psalm 147:11 – “No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.”
Day 2: Isaiah 40:31 – “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
Day 3: Romans 15:13 – “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Day 4: Psalm 16:9 – “No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety.”
Day 5: Jeremiah 17:7 – “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.”
Day 6: Romans 12:12 – “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”
Day 7: Titus 2:13 – “While we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.”
** Verses taken from the New Living Translation

Leaving Footprints

We have all walked on a beach near the waters’ edge, then stopped and looked back at our footprints. I expect we may have wondered how long before the ocean would claim them and erase any trace of us being there. As I celebrated an anniversary of being with my current employer, I couldn’t help but wonder if I made any impressions along the way. I believe I did, as I try daily to represent my employer as best as I can. Our lives should be the very same. We should always strive to honor the name we wear with pride, so we never dishonor our parents. It’s not that difficult to go through our lifetime trying to leave this world a bit better than when we came into it. We should also honor our employer be doing the best job we can.
How many times have we visited a historical site and marvelled at the craftsmanship of buildings, clothing, or machinery? We all love to see how history is preserved by the pride of the work from years gone by. My point here is we should leave an impression on this world that will have people speak fondly of us when we are gone. In the big scheme of time, even that will fade.
What will never fade is the legacy of Jesus Christ. His life and death has been talked about for over two thousand years, and will continue into eternity. There is no question of His existence as it is clearly recorded in the Bible. Even those of other faiths than Christianity acknowledge Him. We Christians know and believe He was and is the true son of God in the flesh. 1 John 5:20 GNT, We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we know thetrue God. We live in union with the true God—in union with his Son Jesus Christ. This isthe true God, and this is eternal life. Others will argue that He was a mere prophet. Yet, He is talked about. No other person in history has or will ever have the attention and teaching about them, than Jesus.
As much as we are thought of in a friendly light, our memory and legacy will not match His. Yet, we can leave a part of us to carry on forever. Ask yourself if you would like to remain in the hearts and DNA of your loved ones. If you answer yes, then introduce Jesus to someone. Start with your children and grand-children, and leave them a gift that they can keep and share into the future. Leave footprints on the beach with your sweetheart, keep Jesus as the anchor of your home and leave the world a bit better than you found it.

Mike Shindruk

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Dishes Can Wait

As my wife and I prepare for a visit from our daughter and future son in law, we are working diligently to make their room and stay as cozy and comfortable as possible. Their upcoming wedding next week is cause for even more celebration as we try to make everything just right. They will be very special guests as they come to share a most special moment with family and friends. Our family will get to meet and greet the groom and welcome into our family circle. As parents we want as much to be presentable as possible. A comfortable room, good food, and loving hospitality are what we have to offer. Our modest home and cottage will serve as a loving welcome mat as they come to visit. We will share what we have with a caring heart, and an abundance of loving hugs.
While we count down, I am reminded of the story of Mary and Martha when Jesus came to visit in their home as told in Luke 10:38-42 GNT. As Jesus and his disciples went on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him in her home.39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat down at the feet of the Lord and listened to his teaching. 40 Martha was upset over all the work she had to do, so she came and said, “Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!” 41 The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha! You are worried and troubled over so many things, 42 but just one is needed. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from her.”
The story here means that it is nice to prepare for special visitors, like family or friends on vacation from away. Yet be mindful not to be so distracted by dishes in the sink, or a table not perfectly set. Spend your time with your company and laugh, listen, and love as the visit will be very short. Like Mary listening to Jesus, rather than fretting about unfinished house work, we should savour every minute with our guests. You or they may have travelled a great distance to enjoy each other’s company. Your time spent with Jesus, or other loved ones cannot be taken away. That time is precious, so let the dishes wait.
Mike Shindruk

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

You Can Get There From Here

A few weeks ago, I made reference to mapping and using a compass to find a way. If we know how to use the tools available, we can always find a way. I teach map and compass and encourage people to not only learn how to use these tools but to master them. This means that we need to practice and use the skills on a regular basis to stay sharp. Years ago, I learned map and compass in school but did not use it for years. When I joined the military, I was re-introduced to these skills and it did not take long to catch on again. The skills learned were still there, they just needed to be awakened. The military then showed myself and others in our troop how to take the next step, mapping in the dark. Last year, I took another course and one of the main focuses was learning to teach others how to navigate using map and compasses in the daylight and in the dark. When we learn, practice and utilize the gifts and talents we learn on a consistent basis, we can get there from here.

Consider the Word of God. There are those who were introduced to the Word in their youth and, as time and life got more hectic, many tended to lose focus on their early teachings but this is not the end of the story. There are a great many things we learn when we are young and when the time comes to dig deep into faith, many of the early teachings are awakened. God has given us the map, His Word. The Scriptures can solve so many problems and answer so many questions, in fact many of the ways we address situations are based on Biblical principles but we call it something else now. The lessons we learned are not simple lines on the road that are completely worn away over time but rather they are the bedrock upon which we build the road. There is always an opportunity to pass along the wisdom we learned in the past so that our children and our children’s children will never forget the real Truth. We can get there from here. There is only one Truth, only one Way and His name is Jehovah Jireh, God will provide.

This Sunday, we gather once again to celebrate the giver of life, the King of all kings. We look to the Word (Ps 119:33-40) and give thanks that He gives us a road map to His Glorious Kingdom. We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or watch live online on Facebook ( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Little Good News

Just a year or so ago a friend made a comment that some church gatherings, or bodies are known as grace churches. I had never heard the term, so he explained that it is a jab toward churches that only presents warm and cozy messages about God, that they avoid many hard truths about the dark parts of the Bible. The idea he explained is that we should not be given the sugar, without the salt.  I can understand the argument, yet I do have my thoughts on this. Our world generally is in a constant state of turmoil and degradation. We see daily news reports of injustice, persecution, prejudice, discrimination and general mayhem all around the planet. Christians and Christianity are being attacked from every corner of society. Many are leaving their home churches due to scandals, the lure of money and fortunes. Families are fragmented as parents work only to get by. Jesus is not welcome in many homes, because He is not introduced or even allowed in schools. What we know as traditional marriage is brushed aside for a union of convenience.

So with all of these pressures and attacks, I think there is a very secure place in our society for some grace churches. I would rather end my week with a message from the pulpit that reassures me that God knows my name, that He surrounds me with His grace, and He will never forsake me. I want to hear that His invitation to come near to Him is open to everyone and that Jesus died for me and that if I believe in Him I will have a place in eternity with Him. I want to live in the security of knowing that each of my days have been planned by someone much greater than any boss or company. I need to understand that Jesus is always at my door and at my side when I fail, fall, or flourish. I wish for more of His good news in my life and in the lives of everyone who call on His name. I pray that my children and grandchildren will reject the invitation to experiment with their sexuality by those who scream for a free for all against morals of our family life. I also expect that yes, we will have messages shared at church that let us know the repercussions of not heeding the warnings in the Bible.

You see, there must be a balance for sure, but it doesn’t hurt to have someone like Jesus speak love into our ears and hearts. Is it really so bad to leave a church service with a full cup of God, rather than a heavy load of despair? For me, I choose the sugar, because the Lord knows there is more than enough salt being rubbed in our wounds.

Mike Shindruk

Lord, Give Me Strength

Have you ever been so incensed over something said that you want to scream out? I have my moments when the referee makes a call I don’t agree with and if I am playing the game, I control that urge but I will yell at the television. There are times when I am watching the news that the views of the correspondents do not line up with my ideology but running through my mind is the fact that they have as much right to their opinion as I do – even if it is wrong. I do question the neutrality of the media but that is a topic for another day however I do wonder about the experts they select for the professional opinion. Such a wonderment arose the other day as I watched the news. They had a gentleman on who is an expert in the field of movie reviews talking about the movie “Un-planned”. Now remember, we are all allowed our own opinion and views and I can respect his stance but there is a line that should not be crossed. His opposition to the movie release in the theatres made him question where the minds of the theatre owners were because it was, in his opinion, a travesty to allow this to happen. Again, it was his opinion and I can respect that but then he said “if there was a racist film being shown in that theatre, would we tolerate it?” At this point, the attack went too far.

The world wants the Christian community to be respectful of their stance and views. The church has been legislated out of the halls of government, the classrooms and public forums and the faith community has said fine. The faith community has been bullied into keeping silent and, in many cases, the primary message is love, peace and compassion for all people of the world. Catastrophe hits and the first feet on the ground is usually the faith community asking for nothing but giving its all. Where there is a need, the faith community is ready to pitch in and those who receive are grateful for the help. This is done for all regardless of race, religion, gendre or ability. It is not about proselytizing but rather about caring for our fellow inhabitants of this great world. So why attack those who only want to gather and celebrate our God and His message? Lord, give us strength to continue on despite the slings and arrows.

This Sunday, we gather in faith and fellowship to celebrate the giver of life, the King of all kings. We look to the Word (Ps 119:25-32) and give thanks that He gives us the strength we require to carry on in His name. We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or watch live online on Facebook ( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Like A Good Neighbour…

Years ago, we lived beside a couple who were absolutely wonderful. He seemed to know the answers to all life’s questions and a quick visit usually turned into a very lengthy conversation. We could have solved all the world’s problems had we not been called home for supper. Across the way was another neighbour who was also ready and willing to chime in and those conversations generally meant the lawn didn’t get mowed but we all went away much wiser. It was said that if Vic didn’t know the answer, Les knew and if none of us knew the answer, it really wasn’t that important. The thing about this relationship is that we each had each other’s backs and would give our eye teeth to help if we could. There are so many people in my life that I can count on and truly want only the best for not only myself bit for many others around them. I could name names but I am sure I would forget someone but my parents and my wife’s parents come to mind as those we trust the most. Part two to this, Natalie and I try to emulate that attitude in our lives with those around us because it is how we were raised and what we grew up knowing as the norm. We were taught to honour our neighbours and always be there when they were in need. That is what we saw, that is what we understood to be the way it should be.

Psalm 119 from the Message prompted me to write on the perfection of His message to us all. While it is true that it is not by works that we are saved but rather by faith in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, His example of perfect and selfless love for all His creation serves as a template for our lives. While the world contemplates how to get the most regardless of those around them, God says serve my people, love my people, feed my people. Those who have taken time out of their lives did not have to but it is in their nature to share what they have, what they know, with those around them. Many times I have seen people who do not get along all that well drop what they are doing to help each other out. They do this because it is in their nature, they are following the example of their Creator. So, here is my plea and it comes right from Psalm 119. Open my eyes so I can see what You show me of Your miracle wonders. I’m a stranger in these parts; give me clear direction. (Msg). Are you ready to take on that challenge? Are you ready to ask God to open your eyes to see the fullness of His miracles? If you are ready and willing, ask God to share His plan with you, listen intently and when you hear His message, walk through the door and grab a hold of His opportunity.

This Sunday we continue with the Psalm 119 Series. We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or watch live online on Facebook ( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Forgiveness, Language Of The Heart

There are times in all of our lives where we speak out of character. In other words we let loose before we let go. In most cases, we regret harsh words the second they are out, but then it’s too late. We can’t un-speak or un-hear hurtful thoughts any more than we can un-ring a bell. What we can do is ask for and give forgiveness. It’s just as hard to ask as it is to give, yet it is necessary. The words may taste bad at first, but our pallet will adjust. I had words with a friend and fellow musician many years ago that haunted both of us until a couple of years ago when we sat across from each other over coffee and mended that damaged fence. I also lashed out at God for a time after the passing of my father. Grief can do that to anyone.
People who are under stress of running a business, someone who is grieving, those who are weathering a health storm or a financial crisis may lash out without really meaning their words. When they ask for forgiveness, give it, and if they can’t ask then be the first to offer. Also, if you have spoken out of character, then ask immediately. I have the utmost confidence that forgiveness heals all wounds.
Jesus, on the cross, after all of the indignities poured onto Him never angered at mankind. Yet, He asked God the Father to forgive. In Luke 23:34 NCV, Jesus said “Father forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing.” Surely if Jesus could offer forgiveness to being crucified, then we must be more than able to ask for and give the same for our petty disputes. When we forgive, we are given authority and release as in John 20:23NCV. It tells us this. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven. So you can see through this scripture that anything can be laid to rest, and release you from being a hostility hostage. The gift you give will be returned by the Father. Remember the Lord’s prayer and forgive those who trespass against you. In this we can all practice the language of the heart.

Mike Shindruk

Monday, July 8, 2019

Peter's Picks

The Perfect 7-day Diet – Peter’s Picks
‘Can God Do the Impossible?’
Day 1: Jeremiah 32:27 – “I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?”
Day 2: Philippians 4:13 – “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Day 3: Matthew 19:26 – “Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.’”
Day 4: Job 42:2 – “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you.”
Day 5: Jeremiah 32:17 – “O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!”
Day 6: Hebrews 6:18 – “So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.”
Day 7: Ephesians 3:20, 21 – “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.”
** Verses taken from the New Living Translation

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Guard The Children and Teach Them Righteousness

I was watching a video the other day from days gone by ( I quite enjoyed the Andy Griffith Show especially Don Knotts and his deadpan humour. In this episode, a young lad decides the rules do not apply to him and he rides his bike on the sidewalk with little or no respect for the rules or others safety. After being warned twice, the bike is impounded and the father of the child is brought into the discussion. What happens the rest of the way is a wonderful explanation of how we should watch over our children and teach them to respectful of others by respecting the laws of the land. For me, I saw a young lad using crocodile tears and tantrums to get his own way and manipulating his father so that he could get back his bike. My question is this; who loves their child more? Is it the parent who folds so they can be liked by the child or to avoid conflict or is it the parent who sets the boundaries, lovingly reprimands misbehaviour and helps their child to understand the difference between right and wrong? I have said this in the past and I will say it again, I am not here to be my child’s best friend because I love him more than that. I am my child’s father and love him enough to say that he is in the wrong when he is. If I do not, I am letting him go down a path that is not going to help him in the future.

Ps 119:9 speaks to this very well,” How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.”

There are difficult commands in the Bible but they are for our own good and for the good of others around us. The scriptures say love your Creator with every ounce of your being and love your neighbour as you are loved. Your neighbour is not only the friends and family around you but also those who have wronged you, those who you would consider an enemy more than you would say a friend. If we take the time to examine our own lives, prayerfully lift up those around us regardless of whether they have wronged us or not, and reach out our hand in peace and compassion, will this make the world a better place? If we also teach our children these same rules, will they also emulate and teach this to their own children? Is it not time that this nation consider the health of the whole even if it means that our children occasionally are disappointed that we did not give into their tantrums and tears? The things God does because He loves us more than we can ever know. These things I do because I love my children more than they will ever know. These things I do because I love my brothers and sisters of the world more than they will ever know. Live according to the love of God, He will never steer you wrong.

We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or you can watch us live online on Facebook ( or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

Matthew 19:14 New International Version (NIV)
14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Peter's Picks

The Perfect 7-day Diet – Peter’s Picks
‘True Security’
Day 1: John 10:28, 29 – “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.”
Day 2: Hebrews 6:18-20 – “So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.”
Day 3: 1 John 5:13 – “I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.”
Day 4: Hebrews 7:25 – “Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.”
Day 5: Ephesians 1:13, 14 – “And now you Gentiles have also heard the truth, the Good News that God saves you. And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago. The Spirit is God’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him.”
Day 6: John 6:37 – “However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them.”
Day 7: 1 Peter 1:5 – “And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.”
** Verses taken from the New Living Translation

What Do I Do Now?

As I viewed the many pictures on social media of this years’ high school grads, I couldn’t help but remember my own graduation and prom, way back in 1974. Through all of the celebration, and the promises of keeping in touch, came the reality that I was done. As I walked out of my high school for the last time, I realized I had no place to go, or so I thought. I thought to myself, now what do I do?  Like many of today’s grads, I had a part time job, but no real direction.  Suddenly the world my parents help me navigate in was bigger and scarier than anything I knew. At that moment that I had to stand on my own from that day forward.
As I looked at those young faces I felt excitement and some human fear for them all. The pressures and dangers of the world today are much more complicated than in 1974. The lure of dangerous recreational drugs, social pressures and confusion over personal sexuality, proliferation of mental health issues, and the uncertain employment in their future are burdens on their shoulders. Out of the gate they are now on their own. So where can, or will they turn for help? Well I’m sure most of these grads will never read this column, so I invite everyone to share this with someone you care about.
Most teens have never been introduced to God, as many of their parents have been so busy working, or perhaps been jaded by any thought of church. The reality is our society has become trapped on a treadmill of self-reliance, so Jesus never makes it to their front door. Even in this, all is not lost. These grads have soaked up the world’s knowledge, both good and bad for the last thirteen years. They remain eager to learn and accept, so introduce them to Jesus. They are all looking for something good in their life right now. Tell them you would like to offer them a precious gift, and just open your mouth.
In Mark10:13-16 NCV we are told this: Some people brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch them, but his followers told them to stop. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was upset and said to them, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to people who are like these children. 15 I tell you the truth, you must accept the kingdom of God as if you were a little child, or you will never enter it.” 16 Then Jesus took the children in his arms, put his hands on them, and blessed them.
Our young people are intelligent. Give them the chance to discover something and someone greater than the world they know. When they ask, what do I do now, perhaps a little introduction will be in order.

Mike Shindruk