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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Graduation Day

Summer is upon us. Students have completed another year, with proms, and graduations tucked and stored in their memories and dreams. The reality of life or perhaps a new chapter has now been laid out. The decision now, is to take that first step into the great unknown,  a leap of faith. It is now that grads will reflect on their school years and wonder, did I do enough to get to the next level in life. Reading my grandson’s report card, I was pleased with the marks he earned, yet read grade letters unfamiliar to me. In my day, as we have all heard our father’s say, there was the numerical grading, but also the standard A-F grading. We all knew that A was excellent, and an F, well you know.
As I read of the passing of a few friends and acquaintances this past week, I wondered about their life report card on their graduation day to heaven. I stopped to check on my own progress through this life, and what I hope will be my own graduation day final mark. These few self-examining questions should give us all something to think about. If any of us forget about, fend off His love, or even force God from our life, should we expect anything but an “F”, or fail? Should we expect God to give us a hall pass, when we expel Him from our homes, schools, workplaces, and governments? If so we can expect nothing but an “E”, again, a fail. When we distance our life from Him, deny Him or His very existence, we will receive nothing but a “D”? Again, fail. Can we call His name at our convenience, then curse it if He says, no not yet? Can we cast Him aside and try to control our own destiny then shout His name in vain when we fail? Will you be satisfied with a “C”, just to squeak by? Will you believe that God is real, that His word in the Bible (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) is your personal study guide? Will you be the Christian (follower of Christ) that He asks you to be? Will you bind yourself to the life He wants for you, including teaching your children about Him? Can you expect a “B”?
For me, I want more of what God has available. I am not perfect, nor will I be, yet I will try each day to be better. You’re invited to come along and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Open your heart and allow Him to guide your steps. Ask Him into your world then keep Him there. Strive for the “A”. Congratulations, you have graduated. Enjoy your eternity.

Mike Shindruk

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