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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Living Water

This year, my wife and I tried our hand at some vegetable gardening. We built some boxed raised beds on our cottage lot, and have planted potatoes, carrots, radishes and peas. The last couple of weeks have not yielded any rain, so have been nurturing the beds every day by watering and watching. During the hottest of days, the soil was so dry that the water remained on the surface for a few moments, before finally soaking in. After that, the water soaked in at a much faster rate, making the watering easier and more effective. Within a few days, our garden sprung to life. The more we watered, the more rapid the growth. In fact the potatoes are growing over two inches each day, as if they are saying, the more water you give me, the more I will grow, and the more I will give back to you in the future.
I began to see the similarity to this same thing in our lives. Jesus is often referred to as Living Water in the Bible. When any one of us are without a relationship with God, or flat out reject Him, we will, in our spirit, be dry and stale. Without God as a guiding influence in our lives and world, we will have to face troubles without any positive spiritual support to carry us. The death of a loved one, job loss, relationship,  health, or marriage failures, even addiction will all be yokes to bear, alone. Anyone one who feels that God does not exist, or has no place in their lives cannot make it through life without clawing every inch of the way. No Jesus in your life, means no hope for your future.
When you invite Christ to come into your life, the initial pouring onto you may not soak in immediately. Yet, the more you invite Him to water you, the more He will finally soak in. The more He soaks in, the more you grow both spiritually, and in how you can face the world. The more we all grow in Christ, the more we will give back to the world around us. Just like my garden, the transformation from dry lifeless dirt to bountiful life harvest will amaze you.
So my friends, if you’re dry this is the opportunity to get watered. Someone in your life has been speaking Jesus into, and over you. Perhaps now and today is the time where you finally let Him soak in, so you can soak up. Happy Harvesting.
Mike Shindruk

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