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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Climate Change

Well these last few weeks of extreme high temperatures and lack of rain have really made me thankful for the down pour as I write. Like many people my age, we remember a time when we could run and play outside on the hottest dog days of summer. The worst that would happen would be a sun burn that would bring out the freckles. These days it seems that even a few minutes in the sun, we feel like we’re in a micro wave oven. We see the planet groaning as storms become more severe every year. Wild fires rage in places where we would never suspect, and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are in the news almost weekly.  Huge masses of polar ice are breaking and eroding more and more.  Climate change perhaps? I don’t know, yet as mankind increases the planet’s population, and chases it’s natural resources, somewhere, somehow something will give.

Yes, there are ways to reverse these effects, and I’d like to think that generations to come will do what they need to, to fix our world. Perhaps the first step is to change ourselves from the inside out. Change the mindset first, then all else will fall into place. There isn’t a one among us who escape troubles and difficulties in our life. Those of us who attend church will still have tragedies and victories. We are not immune. What we do have though is the best coping mechanism known to man. We have our faith in God. Every person that has changed their lives or had them changed by accepting Christ will tell you the same story. I have asked and accepted Jesus into my life, and my personal climate has been changed as well. I have faced the death of friends and loved ones, health issues, financial issues, and yes, the world. Jesus has walked with me, talked with me, and when needed, carried me through more than I could ever do on my own.

I face the same problem as everyone else, yet, I can react and cope in a better way. My faith carries and sustains me. I have changed my personal climate. My attitude, faith family, blood family, overall health, employment and finances are all gifts from God. My Father recognizes my willingness to please Him, and He rewards me.

I assure you, He has the same available for you. If you want to change your life for the better, then get quiet with God. Make your own decision to go through a little climate change of your own, and He will fix your world.

Mike Shindruk

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