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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mercy in the Beatitudes

As We Do Shall It Be Done For Us

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Matt 5:7 NIV

In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us this in a bit different way. Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me. Yes, I personalized it but it drives the point home. To forgive a transgression against another is to show mercy. In a world where the sins from ten, fifteen or even thirty years ago can come back to haunt a person, mercy and forgiveness are rather fleeting qualities. Take this example from Canadian life.

A young politician is in the midst of an election and her opponent has a team of people working on dredging up the past. One errant comment on a social media feed from when she was sixteen rears its ugly head and she goes from first to last in the polls. When will the past stay in the past. A young man, fresh out of prison has done his time and is trying to start over again. In prison, he came to the realization that his past errors would only haunt him if he continued on the path and the inside of a jail cell could very well be a familiar sight going forward. The young man vowed never to give into the temptation and stick to the straight and narrow. On the outside, he was branded a criminal, his movements were restricted by his past. Many opportunities disappeared when the past sins were dredged up and the hopelessness of the situation drove him down the wrong path, again.

Jesus on the cross was accompanied by two criminals. One mocked Him while the other defended the Son of God. The one pleaded mercy over Jesus and then turned to Christ and asked to be remembered in His Kingdom. Jesus did not bringing up the past or add caveats to the agreement, He simply said “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” I challenge you to consider this; ask your social network provider to wipe away all the nastiness from your past so you can start your online life anew. Would this ever happen? Not likely because once it is in cyber world, it is out there. Ask Jesus to forgive your past. Would this ever happen? It definitely will and it will not be mentioned again, ever. So, here is the another challenge; when someone asks your for mercy, will you show it as Christ shows you that same kindness? (read John 8:1-11)

This Sunday, we are having our service at Camp Harmattan just east of town. There will be a few people at the church in Sundre holding a prayer vigil and we will also have a time of devotion later that evening. Stay tuned to Facebook @MainAvenueFellowship as we will let you know when the devotional will be live casted. May God continue to bless you all richly!

Pastor Todd

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