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Friday, May 5, 2017

Look Beside You

As I sit to write about what God did this week, I am reminded of how He makes His presence known in so many simple ways. He pulled together a couple of meetings with amazing results. He showed me some of my friends in a weakened state that rallied in their strength and spirit. I witnessed a weary leader in His work fields, realize the importance of rest. I was allowed to offer prayers to a friend in need. He brought me and a group of long-time friends into a place of perfect harmony. He showed me how His power mended a fence that I thought was damaged forever. He reunited two people who had not realized their paths in life crossed thirty years ago in a most extraordinary way.
You see, this is how God seems to work. We can strain every day looking around every corner for Him, yet, He will always choose to show up when you are least expecting Him. Someone told me a few years back that we never see Him coming. Perhaps this is because He is always so close to us that we shouldn’t look past a shadow that someone has cast on us. When we choose to be close to God, then He is close to us. Psalm 73:23-24NCV is a prayer from Asaph to God. Perhaps read this as if you were saying this prayer. “But I am always with you; you have held my hand. You guide me with your advice, and later you will receive me in honor.” Psalm 73:26 NCV,” My body and my mind may become weak, but God is my strength. He is mine forever.”
I am finding more and more these days, that when I learn about Him, He seems to show me His existence and presence more frequently. A great way to learn about Him is a weekly Bible study, and a daily personal read of His word. We cannot really appreciate the value of God in our lives if we don’t seize the opportunity to get to know Him. Just like an earthy friend, we must invest time in nurturing that friendship. We all do this with people we come in contact with. We are introduced, we share moments of time together, we ask and learn about each other, and before we know it, we’re the best of friends.
Jesus is no different. We’ve been introduced, so now is a great time to do the rest. Perhaps if we look closer, rather than farther, we may just catch a glimpse of His greatness.
Mike Shindruk

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