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Friday, March 24, 2017

When One Suffers, We All Suffer

How amazing it is to be so connected to our loved ones that when one is hurting, we all hurt. When the bond of love within a family is this strong, hearts actually ache when any one is under attack. We as parents will never stop worrying about our children, regardless of how old they become. Their independence, and miles from us in the physical will never lessen the concern we carry about their well-being and health. There will be times when the human fear and protective nature will cause us to become ill as we cannot fix everything. We, as parents will be forced to turn our faces away in order to try and lessen the hurt of seeing our children endure a painful situation. We are all equal in our helplessness when we do not have control.

It is times like these where we must lean on our faith in God to fulfill His promise to always be with us. This is when we will see how that same faith that we teach our children will come full circle. The example we set for them will come out of their mouths and hearts, when they too, call on Jesus to be with them. When they ask for prayer, and for prayer warriors to sweep over them and their situations, we will know they were listening.

God the Father even had to turn His face away when His son was on the cross. Not because He was ashamed, but of love. His love was so deep, that the sight of how mankind had caused such a deep hurt to His son, Jesus, overwhelmed even His heart. The hurt that Jesus was to willingly bear by himself, to this day, is felt by all of us in His family. We humans cannot stop the hurt of a loved one. God could have stopped the hurt of His son. Jesus could have come down from the cross. Yet, He was obedient to his Father, and fully understood what He was to fulfill. He took all the hurt and sins of the world, so we, His family would be free of the suffering. My encouragement to everyone is this. Honor Jesus’ sacrifice each day by praying for each other. Teach your children to call on His name when they hurt. Will hurt be erased, maybe not, but at least we will not be alone through it all.

Mike Shindruk

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