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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Keep the Faith

A man was in a place where the word of God was considered to be illegal yet he chose to be a faithful to his Lord and Master. His bible was never hidden because Christ said that a candle placed under a basket will not shine its light into the world. He also prayed throughout the day for those around him and many were not of faith yet he prayed for their safety and health. Through it all he remained faithful but not rebellious to the ruling power of the land. One day, the local authorities came by to collect him and his possessions and the man was put into jail without judgement from the courts. Weeks went by and he finally had his day in court where he was found guilty of his crime – blasphemy against their god and beliefs. They decided he would be imprisoned without chance of parole and would live out his days toiling in a work camp. Had he denied his God, he would have gotten off easier but he kept the faith.

Could you do this? When the world comes against you and speaks against you, would you stand firm in your belief and take the consequences? I would certainly try my best and call upon my God for strength through it all but until I am in the situation, I am not sure. Stephen, surrounded by the Pharisees and the Jewish mob, was about to die by stoning yet he sermonized hoping that his final seed words would find fertile soil in the heart of even one person. Saul (later known as Paul) was there, holding the jackets of those who killed him. Daniel threw open the doors of his home to pray to God throughout the day and those who were seeking to destroy Daniel deceived the king, Darius, into preparing an edict that would see Daniel thrown to the lions. Daniel did not deny the Lord and continued to pray to God. He kept the faith and the Lord saved him from death in the den.

Jesus, facing death at the hands of the chosen people of God, did not deny who He was and stayed the course knowing full well His end was going to be painful and humiliating. "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." Luke 22:42 NIV

This Sunday, we look at the time leading up to the return of Christ to Jerusalem and the Passion Week. Join us online at or live on Facebook tomorrow at around 11:00 AM Mountain Time on my page (


Pastor Todd

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