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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Believing Is Seeing

A few days ago, I asked for prayers for my son Chris, who injured his back at work and was in the hospital. The response on social media was immediate, and overwhelming. Many wrote things like, praying, prayers for healing, and some actually wrote out the prayer they were sharing. This touched our son deeply, and it quite humbled and warmed my heart. I was not surprised, but am truly amazed at the care and love shown for our son. What really touched me was that many of the people have never seen or met Chris, and know him only through knowing me. I have received the same response when asking for prayers for our other son, and our daughter.

It got me thinking, wondering, and asking this question. Why is it so easy to share a prayer on social media for someone we have never seen or met, yet so difficult for our world to show the same attitude of love for Jesus, whom we’ve never seen or met? Is it because there are no photographs of Him on Face Book? Is it because we have no proven living blood relative to reference Him to? Perhaps it’s because our world has deluged us with so many distractions, and attractions that we are now talking to a computer for answers, instead of connecting with those who believe in, and know Jesus through others that walk in His shadow.

My sons, and my daughter are alive and well, with proof being their photographs and postings. They are in the hearts, lives and minds of those who know them, and know of them through my wife and me. Jesus is also alive and well. True, His physical body died, yet He lives. He lives in the hearts, lives, and minds of those of us who have never seen, yet believe. When He appeared to His followers after His resurrection, He said to Thomas in John 20:29” Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen, and yet they believed”. I give thanks and ask God’s blessing on all of those who have never seen or met my children, yet offer prayers and encouragement to them. I am also asking that those who have yet to invite Jesus into your life, and do not know Him, to do the same. Believe, and receive.

Mike Shindruk

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