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Thursday, March 4, 2021

We Are On An Oleaginous Decent (slippery slope)

For the past few weeks I have been reading about the rise of Cancel Culture and am amazed that so many think this to be a new phenomenon. Cancel Culture is, according to Wikipedia, “a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be "cancelled"”. Consider these words for a moment – excommunication, blacklisted, expulsion, rejection and shunning. These are practices that have been a part of life for centuries but with the world becoming so hypersensitive to things that they find displeasing and finding a worldwide voice through both social media and a news media that just loves a socially stimulating story to rally around (it does sell advertising), these stories blow up to unimaginable magnitude. In other words, if it sounds like something that the media can use to bury someone, they will and the powers that be generally cower and relent rather than lose market share. I watched a program where the host noted that over sixty percent of the population of the States are tired of Cancel Culture and are too afraid to say anything because they do not want to become the focus of this bullying. Yes, I called it bullying because that is exactly what it is.

I will admit this because it is the truth; the church, in the past and still a bit today, denied, excommunicated, and shunned so many and for that I am truly sorry because that is not the message of the Scriptures. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Christianity is supposed to be a faith of peace and love but our past has not always portrayed that outwardly. If you deny the rites and rituals of the church, you can find yourself outside looking in wondering what happened. A job interview used to include a request for a certificate of membership for a local church. What scares me the most is that there is a movement in the church to build inclusive relationships within the community while the world moves more towards judgementalism and seclusion of those who are perceived to be wrong according to their own moral stance. A friend of mine who does not profess any faith asked me what makes my ethical stance correct and in the same breath condemns my belief according to his personal preference. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, we both laughed hysterically at how quickly we both moved to shun each other’s stance.

My Lord wishes us, as followers of Christ, to build relationship, draw people into a peace community and think of others before self. We are not here to tear people down but rather build others up and support them in their lives. Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will be there to help, to give you rest. This should be the calling of our faith community and we should set the example for the world. If Christ calls upon the world to come to Him, should we, as His disciples, also call out to the world with this claim? Let us not follow the world as they pursue a path of self serving seclusion based judgementalism but rather die to self and serve the needs of those around us so that we, as a community, grow stronger.

This Sunday, we are privileged to have Pastor Glenn share a message with us. We invite you to join us either in person (we are limited to numbers inside the building) or online. Should you wish to join us online, click on either link below to join us live:

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See you all Sunday.


Pastor Todd

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