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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Life Will Be Different

As I spoke to a friend this week whose wife had passed away recently, he began to share his life now without her. He shared that out of habit, he goes home and as he opens the door, he calls her name to share with her. Then, in an instant reality sets in that she is gone and he is now alone. His voice trailing off he says that life has changed, and will be different. This statement speaks volumes to the heart. It was only a few months ago our home faced a health challenge and in a micro-second that same thought crossed my mind.

Yet, God has a plan. When one life, lived well has come to the end here as we know it, we are promised something greater than we can imagine. It’s natural and human to be fearful of the reality that half of us will face being left alone and knowing loneliness when our mate is called home. What we do to prepare along the way will somehow ease the hurt. Knowing where we will be, and who we will be with will give comfort at the most critical time. Yes, life will be different. Those left behind will mourn, and celebrate if we know that Jesus is waiting on the other side of the door. A life of ill-health will be replaced by life eternal, where chains of affliction are gone. Age will no longer be a burden, as age will not exist.

Also, when we witness someone accepting Christ into their lives as Lord and Savior, life again will be quite different. A new-ness will take up residence in your mind, body and spirit that only you can experience. Holy Spirit will occupy your soul and the remainder of your life will be a daily transformation. You will still face the ails and problems of human frailty, yet, God’s promise of eternity with Him for believing in His Son and accepting Him will allow you to view the world from a mountain top.

Psalm 121 tells us where to look for help. Look this scripture up in your own Bible, and stand on that. Our lives can be so much more while we’re here, and our life will be so much more when it’s our time to go. We are never left alone if we have Christ, and although our health will fail, as we hope to grow old, please know that we are only going through a life change. That will give all of us the hope we are looking for.

Mike Shindruk

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