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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I Want My Stuffy Back!

What is the most important thing in life? This is a very interesting question depending on where your focus is. If your focus is the things of this world, your priorities will be slightly different than those who have a focus on the promise of God BUT I do want to establish that this is not always the case. Now before you get all set to start an argument, please consider the following. There are those in this world who are making every effort to provide a comfortable living for themselves and those they love. They want to ensure that all are taken care of now and for the future. We want to make sure there is food on the table, money in the bank and savings for the future. This is a wonderful and noble focus and is proper stewardship of the gifts provided to us all. In the past, I have noted that the love of the things of the world should not be the focus and priority of life and it is still true. The things of this world are temporary and, in most cases, replaceable. What is not replaceable is God’s love for each and everyone of us because how can you replace something that can never be removed?

When Tommy was five years old, he made the mistake of ignoring his parent’s rules and purposely went against the known rules of the house. The consequence was grounding. He lost the use of one of his favourite toys and when he threw a tantrum, his mom told him that the toy would be thrown away if he did not stop his tantrum and begin to follow the rules. The toy was given away as was promised but the parent’s love for Tommy never changed. The things of this world are only here while we are in this world. We have determined what is valuable and what is important but let us consider this; the highways of Heaven will be paved with gold. That does not mean that the roads are that valuable but rather that gold is nothing more than a paving stone. What is of utmost importance is that we will be in Glory with our great Creator and what matters most, our relationship with the Father, will envelope us all in a spectacular peace. Will we remember the things of the world that were once considered important or will we celebrate the fulfillment, the perfect fulfillment, of the Law.

As we gather in Heaven, we will come to understand the perfection of agape, God’s perfect love, for each other and for our Father. Yes, the things on this earth are important but they are not the most important. God loves us all so much that He watches over us all as His children regardless of our religious stances. He gives us all the opportunity to choose to follow Christ, to accept His gift of salvation, right up to the end. God wants us to be with Him but there are consequences. My god is a loving God but He has told us all that we need to seek Him and give over to Him. The ball is in our court and it is up to us to decide what is of utmost importance.

This Sunday, we continue to study Ps 119:49-56 and look at how it is very appropriate for our society today. We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or watch live online on Facebook ( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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