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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

When The World Demands An Answer

I have listened to the skeptics for years tear down the faiths of the world (primarily the Christian faith) and yet they have not once offered a proven alternative for the Creation story. I have heard theories that change every time a new scientist decides that they have an even better understanding or theory that trumps all others but the Christian faith has not changed. When the world says the universe began with a big bang, my question is Who provided the spark? When the world says that the infinite material that created the universe came from that big bang, my question is Who provided the immense amount of material required to produce the infinite universe. When the world says that mankind was ultimately born from the primordial ooze through an unprovable and non-replicable process. So, the question is this; why is the theory of the beginning of the universe and all things in it held as the norm while Creationism is mocked? All I can think of is that we mock that which we do not understand and therefore when I mock the theories of the world it is not because I am scared of the theory but rather that I do not fully understand it.

A few weeks ago, I was asked to defend my position as a defender of Intelligent Design and rather than start an argument, I ask the other person to tell me what they knew of Creationism and found so many misconceptions and fallacies in their understanding. They had been taught a load of hokum, read only that which would substantiate their own bias and, when offered alternative insights, I could see the eyes start to stare off as they began to formulate their response before I have even gotten halfway into the response. So, here is my response:

May your unfailing love come to me, Lord, your salvation, according to your promise; then I can answer anyone who taunts me, for I trust in your word. Never take your word of truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in your laws. Ps 119:41-43 NIV

He has provided the foundation of life for us all, designed it for our purpose and given us the hope and joy of a long and glorious future in His presence. None can dispute the Word of God because it is a Truth that is beyond time and understanding of those who come against it. My question is this, why would you want to? What does the world have to offer beyond the grave? My God offers eternity through the sacrifice of God’s own Son. It costs nothing for us and is available to those who ask. Can the world offer this type of peace, joy and hope? This is the answer I demand but have yet to hear a response.

This Sunday, we gather once again to celebrate the Giver of life, the Author of the Universe. We look to the Word (Ps 119:41-48) and give thanks that He gives us the answers to all eternity. We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or watch live online on Facebook ( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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