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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Coming Of The King

I want to throw something out there. For years, I have heard numerous reasons why people have decided to no longer attend church and I want to let you in on a secret; clergy share this information with each other. If you think I am singling you out or talking about you, I am not as a few of these comments have flowed from my lips. Heard from the sound booth – the music is too loud, I can’t hear, I want to hear more hymns, can’t we get something other than hymns, I don’t like the drums, the bass is too loud. Heard in the administration office – the church is too cold, why does it cost so much to heat this place, why did we stop doing bulletins, how much do we spend on bulletins, no one was here to answer my call. Heard in the foyer – the pastor never visited me in the hospital (she actually did not know the person was in the hospital), I’m sure the pastor was talking about so and so in the service, I’m not sure I like the preaching style.

Our Mayor said something that really surprised me and got me to review and reflect. He said to our ministerial group that it was refreshing when the group of church leaders came to the town council and asked “what can we do for you and the town”. This is the attitude that Christ displayed when He was dealing with those in need, “what do you want Me to do for you?” Luke 18:41 There are faith gatherings around the world where His faithful gather by candlelight with curtains drawn thankful that they have a single copy of the Holy Word to share with each other and, when the meeting is over, they praise God when they arrive safely in their own home having avoided persecution from the authorities. Jesus road into Jerusalem on a young foal surrounded by people shouting praise to the King and laying their own robes in the path of the Saviour. Jesus knew these would be the same people to demand His death a week later but for now He was their Emmanuel. Not once did the He complain that the ground was too hard, the donkey foal not up to standard or that He was not being venerated enough or properly enough by the masses. On the cross, the thief asked to be remembered and Jesus said “today you will be with me in Paradise.”

The perfection of the church is not in the pomp and circumstance, it is in the gathering of the faithful celebrating His message, the message of selfless service to others. Don’t let the world shape your worship of the Living God but rather shape the world by showing the world a better way. The world would be a better place if we took on the stance of being a support rather than looking for ways to be served. This weekend we celebrate the triumphant entry of the King into the Holy City. Join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or you can watch us live online on Facebook ( or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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