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Friday, August 24, 2018

We Have Tomorrow

What a wonderful conversation I had this week with my wife’s cousin. He is a business man, a motivational speaker, story teller, and a faith filled gentleman. He relayed a true story of a funeral he attended some years back. It was for a veteran who was eighty-nine. The officiating clergyman was actually the vet’s chaplain from their war days. He told of asking the veteran as they marched through Italy, what would be the one thing you would love to have if you could be granted a wish. Without hesitation, the vet answered, “tomorrow”. Wow, how powerful an answer when death may come at any time, especially in war.

This story got me to drawing a parallel to what our answers today may be. If we had one true wish that could be granted, what would your answer be?  I am glad that God gives us each our own tomorrows. This is such a simple yet complicated question and answer combo. There are some, due to their circumstance that will say they really don’t care about tomorrow. There will be the rest of us who look forward to what tomorrow may, and or will bring. Personally, I’m looking forward like never before. God never gave up on me when I was in a place of mourning the death of my dad. Then, one day He shook me and my world, and then I saw a tiny spec of His plan for me, and my dad. That day, my grieving and mourning ended, and was replaced with thanks and celebration. I understand more each day, just how much He loves us, and how His plan for us is ongoing. Twenty-four years ago, I didn’t care, then fifteen years ago, He woke me from a sleep I was walking in.

God had always given me a tomorrow to be thankful for, but for a season, I couldn’t see it. Now, He has charged me with writing invitations like this one to all of you who read them. Was today and yesterday a bad day for you? Maybe it was. Well He’s still in your corner rooting for you, and He is simply asking for you. Why not answer Him out loud and say, Lord, I’ve so missed making you a part of my life. Please come in as I open my door. Yesterday, was then, and now I’d like to thank You for the gift of telling me that we all have tomorrow, if we choose.

Mike Shindruk

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