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Monday, August 8, 2016

I Belong To The Master

Listening to the Booth Brothers this morning I realized how absolutely blessed I am. These past couple weeks have been tough with numerous rounds of issues coming forward requiring immediate attention and action. As the waves of concerns and disputes came upon us, there were times when the shoreline seemed so far away. Wave upon wave of distresses cycling through, many times a repeat of the problem once thought to be solved only to manifest itself in a different manner or through a different person. I am trained to deal with others issues but, like the rocks on the shoreline, the constant battering by the waves can cause them to be broken and disturbed.

As I take stock of the events and of the times where the attack seemed to be directed at me, I found myself questioning and wondering; prime breeding ground for doubt that the evil ones craves so he can drive in the wedges. Today is Monday and I am in His house after five straight fifteen hour days and I am exhausted. I felt compelled to put on the Booth Brothers while I sat and relaxed at the foot of the cross. It was Then I Met The Master. This song dug into my very soul and a flood of thoughts permeated my mind. As Jesus slept and the sea began to turn into a boiling mass, the disciples panicked and began to fear for their lives, yet Jesus slept. When Christ was called upon, He came to the rescue and calmed the sea but what I noticed about this was not so much the act of deliverance from the storm but rather the fact that Christ was there the whole time and was not worried. They missed it in the boat and I missed it when I was trying to find peace at the end of the day.

Jesus had set the group off in the boat alone for a bit. As Jesus came back to the boat walking across the water, the disciples noticed him and were amazed. As Peter stepped out to meet the Master on the water he became distracted by the events around him and began to sink but, in an instant, Christ was there. Peter met the Master and was saved from the turmoil. There are times I forget to seek the Master in those times of turmoil and last week would have been the perfect time to keep my eyes on the Master but I messed that up. I missed Him in the tears and in my worry. Yet I rejoice now for my salvation in all of this is in knowing I belong to the Master and He is never far away and He has calmed my storm. Praise my God, praise Him in the Heavens for I have met the Master and I know He loves me perfectly.

Our services are back on at the Church in Sundre and I am so looking forward to getting back with my Church Family.


Pastor Todd

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