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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Where Did We Go Wrong?

Over the years, I have been involved in analysing where things have taken a turn for the worse, failed and companies have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars locating the cause. Sometimes the error is human and others it is systemic. Now, part of the time is spent on the actual problem but I am finding that lately the focus is more on who can we blame and how can we get them to pay for the damages. Years ago, my brother was on a swing and I was throwing dirt at him while he tried to kick it out of the air. We laughed and played at this until an errant handful caught him in the face. I was horrified as he looked up at me and his front teeth were missing. I had just gone through an episode with a broken tooth and remembered how much trouble I got in and now I took out my brother’s teeth. He went running to mom and I literally went running for the hills. I kept telling the dog to go home. I was running away before I got in trouble. Not sure how long I was gone for, probably about ten minutes but it felt like hours. I heard Tim calling for me and I thought that mom would be close behind but it was just him. He was trying to tell me that it was just mud on his teeth, he still had them all. Over the years, I have learned that it is so much easier to take responsibility and suffer the consequences.


 When they heard the sound of God strolling in the garden in the evening breeze, the Man and his Wife hid in the trees of the garden, hid from God.

God called to the Man: “Where are you?”

He said, “I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. And I hid.”

God said, “Who told you you were naked? Did you eat from that tree I told you not to eat from?”

The Man said, “The Woman you gave me as a companion, she gave me fruit from the tree, and, yes, I ate it.”

God said to the Woman, “What is this that you’ve done?”

“The serpent seduced me,” she said, “and I ate.” Gen 3:8-13


How easy is it to shift the blame rather than stand up and claim it? I watched a movie the other day where one of the main characters challenged another to “own it”. Quit looking for the scapegoat and step up. God knew they had done wrong. He was out for a walk near where they were and then called out to them. Adam shifted the blame to Eve, she shifted it to the serpent and there were consequences. Would those have changed if they owned it right off the bat? Probably not but God did not give up on us and did not call for a do over. God asks very little of us, own the sin and ask forgiveness from the Saviour and live for Him. The world points the finger so it might sidestep responsibility, Jesus says come to me and I will take away the burden of your sins.


This weekend we continue with the study of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. We invite you to join us online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST. Click on either link below to join us live:

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See you all Sunday.


Pastor Todd




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