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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Victory In Jesus

In a celebration marked for kings, Jesus entered the gates of Jerusalem to the shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David” and people laying their cloaks and palm fronds on the ground in front of Him. As He entered the gates, the crowd proclaimed Him, by their actions, the King of kings. Their joy was overwhelming and their declaration pure and boisterous. Kings had entered the church declaring their power and appointment with the trumpets of the army blaring and flags waving but this was not the case here. Christ came through the gate on a donkey colt and the ordinary people trumpeted His arrival and waved palm fronds and prepared His way with their own cloaks. It was not a parade that was forced such as times when the king was not well liked and the people were made to attend but rather it was a gathering of the common people coming from everywhere in the city to celebrate. They had muckled onto Christ and He was their salvation.

I have heard so many people describe their encounter with Christ, their conversion experience, as a time of overwhelming joy. They wanted to cry out from the rooftop that they had met the Saviour. For many, the joy overcomes them and they have to tell everyone that the King is come and there is victory in Him. Jesus did not force His way into their hearts, they heard His call and responded by opening their hearts to Him. A week after Christ came into the town, He was brought back but this time under guard and beaten to within an inch of His life. The same people who cheered Him into the city, now jeered Him as He carried His cross out of the city on to Golgotha. What was once an adoring crowd had become an angry mob – what a huge change! Yet through it all, Christ maintained His focus, He claimed us all when He called out to the Father “forgive them for they know not what they do”.

Is it time to reclaim the joy, to cry from the rooftop that Christ is King and that there is victory in Jesus? He has declared us to the Father, interceded on our behalf. There is an incredible and joyous message in this declaration. There are so many out there who have run away from the Message over the centuries and who even jeer the followers of Christ yet His message is still there for any who will declare Christ as Saviour – “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”.

This week we welcome Dr. Dahl as he brings us the Sunday message “The Wonder of God’s Love for Me”. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or online. Services start at 10:30 MST and can be seen live on Facebook ( or viewed afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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