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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Deception vs Truth

I’m sure that in each of our lifetimes, we have all been deceived by someone or something. As children, we are told the seemingly innocent stories of where our baby teeth go, and alternative meanings of Christmas and Easter and their characters. As we grow, we learn very quickly that life will hand us truths, lies, and whatever may be in between. Hopefully, along the way we will be surrounded by people that can and will help us navigate a sometimes confusing labyrinth of choices. Regardless of our age or experience, each new day will bring new threats of deception, and yes we will all have times of failing and falling for the next line.

This past week I experienced this first hand. The use and reliance on modern technology and social media makes us, and made me, vulnerable. What I thought was credible information, turned out to be inaccurate. I discovered to my embarrassment that what I had shared in my excitement, was false. Fortunately, my misstep caused no untoward damage. The lesson learned was to proceed with caution, always.

As we mark remembrance of the crucifixion of our Savior Jesus Christ, and celebrate His resurrection, I encourage everyone to believe and know that this is absolutely fact.  To see these facts, please read Luke 23-24 in your own Bible. These events are described and detailed in the most credible history book ever written and are believed by the majority of the people who live and who have lived, on our planet. The details were written as given by eyewitnesses. They occurred at a time in history when truth was not tainted by population, popularity, social media or even self-wanting of fame. They were written so that future generations would learn and know that it really happened.

These days, with all of the knowledge that our world has available to us, we are presented with a constant battle, between science and faith, what is seen, and what is believed, and between a big bang theory and the existence of God. Arguments on either side will continue well beyond life as we know it. Today is also a time in history when we need God more than ever. Our world is in turmoil, and the human race needs hope. We need to reflect on what Jesus did for all mankind. We need to spread His message of unadulterated love and sacrifice. We need to have faith in the truth, His truth, so we can be protected from the biggest deception of all. That deception, is the notion that what we see, is all there is, and that we don’t need God. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Mike Shindruk

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