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Friday, September 22, 2017

Prayers, Working Or Not

This past week I had a question rolling around in my head. Are there times when prayers are not effective, or do they not work? I posed that question to a couple of friends, who each gave me similar reactions. They paused, as though they couldn’t believe I would ask. My thought was simple. Many of us pray daily for many people and situations, as we are asked to do. I have noticed that some people never seem to have improvement either in their spirit, or situation. I’m wondering, out loud, with no finger pointing, that if we, as people don’t accept, or earnestly believe that prayer will help, then it won’t work. I likened it to a love relationship between two people. In order for it to work, it must be a two way street, where it is given and received. Basically, if you ask for prayer, then you must be willing to accept it, and believe in its’ power.

On the other hand, I have been witness to prayers being answered in real time. Case in point was the presence of Holy Spirit at our retreat a couple of weeks ago. Prayer warriors were on duty, and duty called, and we came away with the most powerful sense of a gift given straight from God. Our prayers, given and received are the most powerful weapon we have against our situations. There is little that can top the feeling when someone offers to pray for you, or someone close to you. It’s like God speaks to your heart, well that’s what it is.

I would like to encourage everyone to pray, and be prayed for. When this happens with a sincere heart, God listens, and puts in motion, His way how they will be answered. We are rewarded. Hebrews 5:7 NIV tells us that during the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. So, if Jesus, through everything He endured, and knew He would endure, remained faithful in prayer, then it should be so easy for us to do the same.

Today, let’s everyone turn a new leaf, and enter into a free prayer trade agreement in a much more believing manner, and watch how great our God really is.

Mike Shindruk

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