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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Pray For Your Leaders

I have hear it said that it’s the government’s fault, they haven’t acted fast enough, they jumped in too soon, they are short sighted, they are making promises that our children are going to pay for and on and on and on. What happened to the day when the government was chosen by the people and if the wrong party (according to the perspective of the speaker) came to power, they still had the support of everyone in the nation? Let’s think about that one for a bit. I am not sure that has ever happened.
Even in the days of old, no one has ever fully supported the opposition. The Sadducees had the Pharisees and third party, the Essences. No one really could come to support the Romans and none would give the other group any backing. Yet Paul, in a time when ruling parties of government and religion where at odds with each other, called the population to task.

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. Romans 13:1-2 NIV

There is so much stress in the world and much is caused by people thinking they can affect change by open disrespect for the ruling party or persons and this leads to division and, in many cases, violence. Scripture would have us accept the governing authority regardless of how we voted and support them while they are governing. What would happen if instead of being a pain in the side of a leader we prayed that they would lead with wisdom and compassion? A great mentor of mine, Mrs. Pease, once said that leaders are only temporary but the church family is forever. Pray for wisdom and guidance for yourself and for leadership and leave it in God’s hands.

This Sunday we will explore Romans 13 and how this could look in our present situations. Join us in person or live on Facebook ( at 10:30 MST.


Pastor Todd

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