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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Back To The Basics

When I first became a member of 12 Med Coy in Vancouver, I still remember the first day like it was yesterday. The central supply had issued me my uniform, gave me a quick tutorial on what went with what and how to wear it. It was all a blur, and I was fairly certain I would forget some things but I still showed up at the headquarters at Jericho Beach with, what I thought, was a fairly good presentation. I could not be more wrong. The Sergeant spotted me as soon as I came in the door, looked me up and down, gave me my first dress down as a member of the Canadian Armed Force, CAF, and instructed a private to make me look presentable, show me around the place and keep me out of trouble. I did everything I could to keep in step so the private would not get in trouble because of my mistakes. All I had to do was stay close to him and do what he did. I was at the Corps for almost five months before I shipped out for my Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) Course in Shilo. In that time, I had learned so much from a great group of people who truly wanted us to succeed when we went off to our BMQ. Our no-hook chinooks, or newbies, came back sporting many awards for excellence because we had such wonderful examples of leaders to learn from. We hit the ground with a firm understanding of the basics and we built on that throughout the course.

Many people my age, were brought up with a good understanding of the Gospel and of faith in Christ but, stepped away from the church due to a variety of reasons. I am not here to chastise anyone for not being a part of the church but rather to encourage us all to take a close look at our faith, our position in the Kingdom quest and challenge you take the next step. There are so many out there who do not have a clue how to put on the amour of God, they don’t know how to hear the commands of God properly and are frankly lost when it comes to understanding even the basics of faith. They need those who have been there and done that to help them find their way, to understand some of the pitfalls that lurk in the periphery and help them become the best they can be as they face each new and daunting challenge. Some of the best instructors out there are the ones who have been in the trenches, faced the enemy head on and can share their wisdom and knowledge with the no-hook chinooks.

You may say, “I walked away from the church for a reason”. That “reason” may have left the church a while ago or the focus of the church may have shifted but I can say this for certain, the primary focus of the church has not changed, He is still King and the church is His family. God has not walked away from any of us so is it now time to rejoin His army? The world is divided and there is no end to the amount of chaos that is lurking on the horizon.

David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Sam 17:45

David went back to basics and declared the true power of God before the enemy and knocked the giant down. Let us rally and declare the power of God, let us go boldly into the world, invite back those who have been absent and ask them to help train up the Army of God. The time has come, the time is now.

We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.

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We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Pastor Todd



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