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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Who Among You Is Greatest?

Years ago, The Daily Mirror reported that Noel Gallagher of Oasis said 'We are bigger than God'. Some speculate that to a lot of young people pop music and pop stars are more important than Religion. So often we see people fall over themselves to seek out and serve self-proclaimed gods who lord themselves over the populace by means of their talents or schemes. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not picking on the youth because we all have our idols and we put them on high pedestals. So, if a human can elevate another to that status, does it not make sense that the same people can pull out the pedestal at any time? Let us all remember that the bigger they are, the harder or farther they can fall.

So, what man or woman is greater in the kingdom of God. There are many out there who want us to believe the theory that the universe was made from a series of events that have not been proven or duplicated by anyone thus the term theory is employed. The Kingdom was created by intelligent design, God. He is the Supreme Authority and in that there is none above or bigger. So with that said, let us consider this:

The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Matthew 23:11-12 (NIV)

Jesus then defined this when He took the time to wash the feet of His disciples and give them the message to be ready to wash feet, to serve, to love so much that the needs of others are more important than the needs of self. I know I preach on this a ton but it is so important because it is at the heart of loving each other as Christ loves us. I have said on many occasions that, as the minister of the church, I am not here to be put on a pedestal but rather to be the first servant. As one moves up the chain, one must be prepared to show the way, to be the first in line to serve the needs of those around them.

Do not mistake power for supreme authority but rather as a opportunity to lift those around you to greater heights. God gave His one and only Son so that those who believe in Christ will one day join Him in a new and glorious realm.

We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or you can watch us live online on Facebook ( or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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