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Monday, June 17, 2019

When You Think You Have Nothing

There was a time, and all of us have them, when I thought I had nothing. Nothing to offer, nothing to look forward to, and nothing left. It was period almost twenty five years ago when my wife and I were struggling, just to get by. We had just endured both of our fathers passing away. Our teen aged children were wanting to sprout their individual wings and leave home for better pastures. Health and financial pressures and a vehicle breaking down almost daily, was our life. I didn’t know the Lord then, so all I saw was a dark abyss in front of me. I was at a point of just giving up, whatever that meant back then. Many of you reading this today may be going through the same thing. These troubles transfer from one generation to the next. So if you are in the middle of one of these situations, please know that although you feel it, you are not alone.

I did not know then, what I know and believe now, and that was, my situation would change. I can look back now and see where God was in my troubles. He carried me, everywhere, and always.  I didn’t see Him then, but He carried me through grief, disappointment, financial and physical fatigue, and through my children’s growing pains. He carried me, without me knowing it. Then there came the day when I accepted Jesus into my life completely, and He gifted me with a replay of just how and where He saved me from myself, and my self-doubt.

I know from experience that we are isolated from the world when we are without God in our life. I was, or at least I felt that way. Now, whether we have Jesus in our life or not, we will go through tough times. Vehicles and our bodies will break down, and all families will have growing pains and conflict. The difference will come in the way we handle everything. I know now that with Christ in me, I can and will face anything the world will throw at me because I know He will never leave nor forsake me. God never promised us a smooth life, but He has promised us life. When we go through a valley, He will give us a mountain to stand on so we can see where we will be once we accept Him. So go ahead, reach for the Master’s hands, hold on and even in the hard times, raise His name and give thanks. When you think you have nothing, you too will realize that He has given you more than you know, and has been carrying you the whole time.

Mike Shindruk

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