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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Would You Change Anything?

I was asked recently, if I could go back in time, what would be my dream job. I had to think about that for a moment. I have many hobbies, interests and skills yet my answer was a musician. I have played guitar and sang for almost fifty years, had a secular band for twenty years, and now am a worship leader in ministry. Upon reflection, I immediately said that I wouldn’t have changed a thing in my life. If I had have pursued music, I may not have married my wife, then I would not have my children and grand-children. That would be so much of a void for me. I see my years in a band as my training ground for where God planted me, and keeps in His service.

I love my life, and when I look behind me, I clearly see the winding foot path that God had me on. I see where I stumbled, fell, was picked up, carried, injured and healed, all by His hand. I realize that the life I have, is what God has designed for me, and in that I am satisfied. He truly had, and has a plan for me, and for all of you, as in Jeremiah 29:11. I frequently use this scripture in my messages, as it is such a powerful truth, when we think about it.

Jesus had the opportunity, the power, and the perfect reason to come down from the cross, to go back and change history, but He didn’t. He was faithful and obedient to the Father. Perhaps, even on the cross, He also looked behind him at the footpath that was laid out for Him by God. He would have seen where He was loved, followed, forsaken, denied, broken, beaten, and crucified. Then He looked up, and asked the Father to forgive mankind for they knew not what they were doing. Luke 23:34.Well we know the story never ends, as Jesus rose from the dead, and waits now as each of us, one by one, make our decision to believe in Him as our Savior. Maybe, just maybe Jesus knew from the beginning that He had His own dream job, to be the way, the truth and the light, and the one way to the Father. I’m glad I didn’t change anything in my life, and so grateful that Jesus didn’t either.

Mike Shindruk

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