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Saturday, January 14, 2017

God Is On The Move

As you read this, my hope is that you see how God is on the move. Over the last number of weeks, I have watched how the family of Barb Spicer, John’s mom, rallied around her as she patiently waited to move to her new home in heaven. As Barb was waiting for her room to be made ready in God’s mansion, Holy Spirit was busy bringing comfort to her friends and family. The round the clock visits by John, Roxann and the rest of the family, showed true agape love for their mom. The prayer warriors who in high gear for support were wide spread from many places in Canada and the U.S., from former and current faith-families. I saw celebration rather than grief, as Barb and her family knew exactly where she was going. She was a faithful child and servant of God, and anticipated the reward that waited for her just over the hilltop. God’s promise of eternity in His presence has now been fulfilled.

I can only imagine her expression when she saw God’s face for the first time. Can you imagine the view she has, and how she and Jesus are smiling down at everyone who walked with her those last few miles? Only God knew the life and the path she would enjoy. I didn’t know her very well, but through John and Roxann’s friendship with us, I see just a bit of the fine cloth she was cut from.

This is one of many life stories that God looks after. He has been moving for years in our lives, even if we don’t realize it. He has put people and circumstance in all of us that makes perfect sense to Him. We will never fully understand how He works, and perhaps that is where we need to allow faith to prevail. He is constantly moving. He can move families closer together (figuratively) when a parent dies and moves us all when we need it. It may be from one church body to another, from one job to another, and will even move your heart closer to Him when His time is right. If we reflect back to a year ago, I’m quite sure we are all in a different place. So, today, as we begin a new year, let’s anticipate, like Barb did, just how and where God will move you. After all, Barb’s family did not lose her, rather God just moved her to a room with a wonderful view.

Mike Shindruk

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