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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Think….God, Thank God

I wonder how much time or how many times each of us spent thinking about God this week. It is not uncommon for people to attend a great church service, listen to wonderful worship music, a great and encouraging message then leave for another week dreading yet another Monday. We don’t intend to but in many lives and homes, this happens. We sit and soak up a Sunday sermon with all the trimmings, prayers and pulpit promises and then allow the world to wring us out as the work week begins.

If this speaks to you today, here is my encouragement. When you wake each day, think…God. When you go to your workplace or seek employment, think…God. If your career or job is going through some changes for you, think…God. If your health is challenged or you experience a healing in your body, think…God. If you or a loved one has reached an age milestone, think…God. If any stresses have been released in a family situation, think…God. Psalm 40:17 NCV reminds us this way. Lord, because I am poor and helpless, please remember me. You are my helper and savior. My God, do not wait.

If anything of the last week has either shown an improvement in your life or someone else’s you know, then thank God. Thank Him in the tough times and thank Him in the grace times. Has a window closed and yet a door opened for you? Then thank God. Did you have a bad week, get knocked down? Then thank God for picking you up. Were you drained of life energy, yet are still standing? Then thank God for carrying you. Have you realized that you have a faith family around you? Then thank God for the hearts that pray for you, the hands that hold you, and His boots on the ground that walk with you. Psalm 100:4 NIV instructs us; enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. In other words, enter His gates as you think…God, then thank God, as He truly has your future and your best interests in His hands.

Mike Shindruk

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