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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Have No Fear

We humans are a fearful species. Some common fears are of insects, reptiles, dogs, crowds, rejection, even our past. I myself have a healthy fear of heights, the dark and a few other things.  A friend shared with me how, when his son was very small, was afraid of the wind and how the son became terrified when it howled. He would cry out, daddy what’s that? As he took his son by the hand, he spoke reassurance and they walked among some apple trees on their property during a windy day. All the while the little boy held on for dear life. When they reached one of the trees, the father told the boy to feel the tree trunk as it moved to and fro. Then he asked his son if he held his hand, would he like to sit on a low branch for a ride and the son agreed and again, felt the tree gently swaying in the breeze.  The son’s fear faded away as that day he learned the wind was not the monster he feared. He saw how his father was there to teach and protect him just by his presence and his word.

What a wonderful lesson may be taken from this in our own lives. Most of our fears are of the unknown or misunderstood. The world itself can be a scary place yet it doesn’t have to be. We have a Father to take our hand when we are fearful. He is available to talk to and will walk with us when we’re facing the wind. Jesus will never leave us alone with our terror as He offers all of us a place of safety in Him. Isaiah 41:10NIV may be applied to us individually. It reads “so do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. Perhaps we can also recall Psalm 23.

It’s a matter of trust. That’s a hard thing for us to give up yet there comes a time when we have to go out on our own limb and just ask Jesus to come into our lives. The insects, the dogs and the dark will always be there yet with your hand in the Master’s, they will no longer be something to fear. 

Mike Shindruk

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