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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mike's Inspirations

Thank You Lord, For Inspiration

Social media, of late, has been showered with photos, stories, memories and greetings of Thanksgiving. Aside from the drama of self-appointed celebrities, nail-biting baseball, elections, and one nasty storm, it was a good week. Autumn colors are on display in all their splendor, shades too numerous to count. I’ve witnessed breakthrough in friends’ and family’s lives, a return to church of some who have struggled with their health, and I’ve celebrated Thanksgiving with my blood and faith families. I have been lifted up (figuratively), learned  exciting things about Jesus’ lineage, and I have seen and acknowledged God in all of these.

This may sound Utopic, but I refuse to allow the crush of the world to dampen my faith in my God. I do not stick my head in the sand, ignoring the world rather, I look upward to Him, as in Psalm 121:1-2 NVC, I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. We all need to tie a knot and hold onto this statement. When you see the majesty of the color around you, cast aside any doubt that there is God. Even in your own situations, stop, and look to the hills, look to the heavens, and simply say, Father I know you’re there, and I know You are also with me. I accept You into my life.

Can you imagine if we did this as fast as we, like and share, someone’s post on social media, how our world could change? God made you, made me, made all of us in His image. He accepts all who call on His name, in His name. He cares about your future, not your past. I know and believe this. Why? It’s because He inspires ordinary people to do extraordinary things for His kingdom. He inspires some to dedicate themselves to prison ministry through their music. He inspires some to be faithful leading weekly Bible study, so we may learn more about Him. He inspires young motivational speakers to spread the gospel to all countries, as in Mark 16:15. God even inspires people to write about His presence in their daily lives, to show how approachable He really is. Do you need some inspiration? Look up at the next sunset, then just whisper His name, He’s listening.

Mike Shindruk

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