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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Never Forgotten, Never Left Behind

This past week I was moved by two very moving conversations. The first was from a friend who celebrated a birthday, and he remembered not so fondly, his thirtieth. He was invited by a friend to a gathering, on the date of his birthday. He worked a long day, alone, and then waited, and waited, thinking he was to be surprised. He was alone, away from family, yet, he had friends. The evening wore on and finally, the realization that there was no celebration for him. Friends did not call, did not come, and did not acknowledge. His anticipation that someone would remember him crashed to the reality that he was forgotten and ignored.
The other friend of mine is venturing onto his own career in music. An opportunity is coming and his hard work for the past few years is showing signs of paying off. His dilemma is that his own success has now separated and isolated him from loyal friends who were there in the beginning. He is now lamenting over the guilt that is creeping in about those friends thinking they have been forgotten about. I know this is not the case, yet you can see how that could happen.
So here are two different scenarios. One friend was forgotten, the other is fearful to be the one who may forget. One is a believer and follower of Christ, and the other, I am not sure. Well, I believe that even in this, God was and is with both of them. The first, knows God’s faithfulness. He forgave, and is surrounded by a great faith family who does not forget, and does not ignore.  He is steadfast in his belief that God has placed him where he should have been in all of this.  For the friend who is moving on, he does not realize it, but God already has a plan in his heart. The fact that he is feeling separation anxiety tells me that he cares. God is within his heart, and is now mapping his future. He is being taught to care for his neighbors, his friends, his family. He is realizing that people that are put in our lives, not by chance, but by design. That design is God.
So to all of us, we must remember that God cares enough for His people to heal our heart hurts, and to instill His love in us, never leaving us behind.
Mike Shindruk

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