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Monday, June 27, 2016

I Forget

I walked out the door today for the third time without my keys and this is not the first time I have done so. As I grow older I find myself forgetting things from time to time, actually the period between the forgetful sessions seems to be getting shorter, almost like these bouts are trying to link up and make one big forgetful moment. Okay, maybe it’s not that bad but when you are in the middle of these little episodes, it seems like they are more numerous than before.

We have started a series of forgiveness but it would be wrong of me if I did not mention that true forgiveness means not only forgiving in more than just word but it also means forgetting it, leaving it in the past. There are times when some will say “I forgive you” only to rehash it in an argument months or years later. This is the demise of many relationships and friendships. How many of us have done stupid things in the past that we wish people would forget about and yet when we are wronged sometimes we hold it over other’s heads?  How many times must I forgive? More times than you can count!

It was also noted that God is perfect so how can He, the perfect Creator, forget since forgetfulness is not considered perfect. Again, my mentor mentioned that maybe He does not forget but rather chooses that which He wants to remember. I choose to believe that my perfect Father in Heaven forgives perfectly and chooses to leave my past in the past. Is this how I live my life? Is this what I preach and encourage of others?

This Sunday we look at forgiveness and new starts.

Blessings all!

Pastor Todd

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