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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Is It Hot Enough For You?

The two phrases that drive me up the wall are “Is it hot enough for you” and “Is it cold enough for you”. This past weekend, Natalie and I had the honour to attend a wedding for a wonderful couple. We were in Banff and the weather was amazing albeit a tad warm. As we were arriving at the location, the temperature, according to the truck thermometer, was already in the high twenties. By the time we had finished setting up and the service was about to begin, we were into the high thirties. We were outdoors on an open field with only the tents to provide relief from the heat. I had thought well ahead and decided to wear my khaki kilt, Kathy, the mother of the bride, and Natalie had on light dresses but poor Mark had pants, dress shirt and a tie. The only relief he got from the sun was the fedora that provided some shade for him. Needless to say, there was a significant amount of water being consumed and moist napkins were a necessity. The wedding went off without a single hitch and there were no cases of heat stroke and, in the end, the heat will long be forgotten but the joy of the day is forever etched in our memories.

Now, the wedding was complete, the celebration continued for the younger crowd and we helped the now exhausted parents get settled in their new hotel room in Canmore. I brought the bags into the room and felt immediate relief as the freezing cold air of the air-conditioner gripped a hold of me. We helped them get settled but I really did not want to leave but realized the restaurant we were heading to was air-conditioned as well. Once seated, the waitress asked us for our drink order and we all said the same thing, a big pitcher of ice water and please keep it coming. You don’t realize just how refreshing and comforting a tall glass of ice water can be. We all rejoiced as the body absorbed the life refreshing moisture and the coolness began to lower our body temperatures. With bodies refreshed and minds made clearer by the rehydration, we settled in for a great meal and wonderful conversation. This brings to mind the healing power of the Living Water, Jesus Christ. While our bodies scream out for the life sustaining water on a blistering hot day, our souls also scream out for the life sustaining Living Water that is our Lord and Saviour. While the world races around trying to find just the right source of fulfillment from a variety of sources, Jesus offers the perfect, life refreshing solution.

Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

“Please, sir,” the woman said, “give me this water! Then I’ll never be thirsty again, and I won’t have to come here to get water.” John 4:13-15 NLT

When the promises of the world dry up, the promise of Christ never fades. He offers so much and asks so little in return. I would offer this up; be like the woman at the well, ask Christ to cleanse you and refresh you with abundant living water so that you never thirst again.

This week, our team is back together again and we celebrate a fresh start to the summer. The Board of Directors for MAF voted all in favour that masks are personal choice in accordance with the AHS Protocols but still ask that if you are feeling ill, watch us online until you are feeling better. We invite you to join us either in person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:

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We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Pastor Todd



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