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Friday, May 21, 2021

Locked In A Prison

Paul of Tarsus wrote many a letter to churches and individuals throughout his ministry and, while these letters were very encouraging and inspirational, many were written while he was in jail. He was, however, a free man in that, while his body was captive in a cell, his mind and soul had been set free years before. While he was known as Saul of Tarsus, his primary mission was the identification and persecution of those who followed Christ. He was at the stoning of Stephen, holding onto the wraps of those who were casting stones and was on his way to Damascus to continue his mission when Christ got a hold of him and set his soul free from the bonds of hatred and anger. I look around at the world today and feel great sorrow for those trapped in the bonds of hatred, anger and chaos because they cannot see the beauty that surrounds them continually. It is almost as if they were in a prison with no windows to look out and they were trapped in the dark and gloom of a self-made exile. I was once in that darkness, staring at the gloomy wall in front of me and focusing on the wall. What I did not realize until later was this; there was an open door behind me leading to the light and all that was needed was for me to turn around and walk through the passage. When Paul’s eyes were opened, he saw the freedom that was in Christ and broke free of the bonds that held him back. Even though the walls held his physical self, Paul was set free in the Spirit and the world rejoices in his writings.

This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Tim 1:6-7

For years, I was silent about my faith but when God finally broke through my thick skull and showed me there was truly a beautiful life out there, the bonds that held me in check were broken and life began anew in Christ. I no longer fear anyone knowing I am a follower of Christ because I know the Truth and He has set me free, the scales were removed and I now see life as it is supposed to be seen, live life as it is supposed to be lived. No longer does the question of “what happens when we die” cause me stress for God has set my future, our futures, in Glory, He has prepared a place for us. So while we are here, on earth, we need to seek the power of the Holy Spirit, embrace the love, the power and the self-discipline of the Spirit and shake off the bonds of fear and timidity. Turn away from the darkness and embrace the newness of what God has to offer each and every one of us. Why fear the darkness because the darkness is chased away by the Light. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon those in the upper room like tongues of fire and filled them all with wonderful gifts and they went forth boldly proclaiming the Good News. Is today the day all the chains come off?

We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person (we are limited to numbers inside the building) or online. Should you wish to join us online, click on either link below to join us live:

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See you all Sunday.


Pastor Todd

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