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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

No Other Gods

Growing up in the sixties exposed me to my passion for music. Like any other young person then, I was among the millions who idolized The Beatles, Johnny Cash and Elvis. I play and sing today because of their influences all my life. Now you may have noticed my confession. That’s okay, because my God has forgiven me as only He would know that I was void of understanding when I was eight to ten years of age. These past seventeen years of truly understanding idol worship by the masses has matured me in the Lord. I realized many years ago that all of these people mentioned, were just people. Each of them had fame and faults, made history, and had heartache. Each of them came from humble beginnings and longed for a time when the world would just leave them alone. They knew they were not gods, but were trapped and treated as such.
These days, some fifty plus years later, the world has a new breed of idols. Too often we bow down to actors, athletes, singers, television personalities and even politicians. The world goes into auto-mourning to the max when some individuals pass away. Yes it is sad to see anyone that we look up to die, yet we must be reminded that they are just people with families like you and I. I am not disrespecting anyone here as I acknowledge the good that many celebrities promote and leave when they graduate to the heavens. What I am reminding all of us is that they will not be there to greet us when we leave here. Jesus will. For those celebrities that followed Him, they have a room in God’s mansion. When we get there, our room will have been made ready. We are told throughout the entire Bible not to worship other gods. These gods may be riches, possessions, addictions, and include the list of people previously mentioned.
We can appreciate the material things we work for to provide for our families, we can appreciate those who keep us entertained, and we can appreciate the mentors in our life. I would just encourage people to discover the fine line of idol worship, and stay on this side of it. Deuteronomy 6:13-14 NCV tells us” Respect the Lord your God. You must worship Him and make your promises only in His name. Do not worship other gods as the people around you do.”

Mike Shindruk

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