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Friday, February 22, 2019

Thank Our God, For Eternity

This past week my last surviving aunt passed away. Of the eleven brothers and sisters, my mom is now the last remaining. As my pastor shared a prayer before worship practice, she thanked God for eternity. This struck a chord with me as I realized how wonderful a gift this is. Even in our last hour, minutes, or second He still offers us life eternal with Him. All we need do is reach up with our heart and say yes.

Being a thousand miles away from my aunt and cousins in Ontario, our lives have a disconnect where we don’t really know where or how anyone else’s walk with God is. Our lives, over the years have all led us in many different directions. As far as God is concerned, our personal relationship with Him is just that, personal. The last few weeks of my aunt’s life left her without verbal communication with my uncle and cousins, so we may never know if she spoke of God. My hope is that in her time and in her own way, there was an accepted love gift in her heart that was a key to the gates of Heaven. That gift would be her yes to Jesus’ invitation.

It’s not for us to speak into someone else’s faith walk, yet it is up to us to make sure that everyone knows that there is an eternal place of rest. It is up to us to offer that place, and share the gift of promise in the eternal home with Christ. God has given us all the gift of freedom of choice. He has also offered us all the gift of an eternal home Him. All we have to do is claim it, by accepting Jesus as our one and only Savior, with no other god’s before us.

 My hope is that my aunt and all the other aunts, uncles, mom’s, dad’s, and loved ones realized that, yes there is a forever home. Yes, all of our ills, afflictions and weaknesses are erased once we say good-bye to those we leave behind. That home, if we accept Jesus, is Heaven. Then when we are face to face we can all thank our God for eternity.
Mike Shindruk

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