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Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Devil Screams, But God Whispers

It takes me a mere seven minutes to drive home from work each day. During that time I can have the greatest conversation in my head with God, and still listen to the calming tunes from a local radio station. You may ask, how is that even possible? Well, it’s easy, neither one of them are screaming in my ear. If you’ve ever been scolded in school, at home, on the job by anyone who barked at you, or even endured a pulpit message that bellowed to the rafters, then you know that what ever they said probably did not register, let alone sink in. In fact, my parents would probably say it went in one ear, and out the other. I guess they were right.


Yet, whenever anyone leans in, speaks with you, not to you in a calming voice and manner, that is when you soak up. For me there are two calming voices that can decompress me in an instant. One is the welcoming voice of calm of my wife, and the other is the voice of wisdom of my mom. You see the way a message is delivered may be more important than the message itself. If I am stressed, or fearful, my wife can instantly bring me back into alignment just by her presence and demeanor. This is so important to me as I have many unknowns to face in the coming months.


Now, during my drive home, my workday, and while I am doing some hobby projects, God is always whispering while the devil is busy screaming. Satan will do that to us all. Yes, my friends, there is a Satan. He has one and only one agenda. It is to get in your head, have you doubt, and then kill, or claim you for his own. He does that with noise. He screams doom and gloom by way of your own doubt of self worth, social media, lies and your own past. He has to because that’s all he has. He figures he can distract you with static noise, fear, hate, and prejudice, so you lose hope. None of us are completely immune to this.


Yet, we have something he cannot and will not offer. We have God. Yes friends, there is a God. He has numbered all of our days, He opened your eyes, and gave you your first breath, and He has a wonderful plan for your life. He whispers into yours’ and my ears every day, and those whispers have the power to drown out the devil, if we let it. This is where His gift of free will and choice come in. He has gifted us with the choice to accept Him, whereas the devil demands as he screams. God gently holds us up as He whispers His love into our hearts, all the while encouraging us with hope. I mentioned last month that hope is gold, well that’s because it is something we can see as so valuable. He has planned a life for us, and that life, at times will be difficult, but it is life. What He has promised in return for choosing and believing in His son, Jesus, is life eternal, with Him. John 3:16. That, to me is a pretty easy decision to make. It takes work and effort, but worth the journey.


Perhaps now is the time we should all take stock of our lives. Have a good hard look at where you are in your faith walk. If you have a faith walk, then step a little higher, if not, find someone to take a stroll with. Let them introduce you to God who never yells, scolds, embarrasses, demeans, or harms. Let Him into your home, head, and heart, and allow Him to whisper goodness back into your soul. Give Him permission to drown out the devil’s screams and replace it with the love and peace He wants for you. Drop your guard, and raise your hands, close your eyes, and open your heart. Tomorrow is a new day, planned for you by the One who made you. It’s time to know that the devil’s screams can be drowned out by the Father’s whispers.

Mike Shindruk

Master’s Hand Ministry


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