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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

All Things New

I love bananas. For as far back as I can recall, I have always loved bananas. When we go the store, we seek out those bananas that are lightly green and then put them on the counter to ripen up but there is always that moment when you look at the banana and think “it’s only a little green, it should be fine to eat” only to find out that you are a day early. There is a short window that they are perfect and then they start to get – the spot! One spot leads to another which eventually leads to a blackened banana – an overripe, mushy banana. One can look at this mushy, spoiled, good for nothing banana and think that nothing good could ever come of it and then throw it away but add a variety of ingredients such as milk, eggs, flour and then put it in to the oven and you end up with banana bread – fresh, hot moist banana bread. What some may see as waste, garbage even, can, with the right care and attention, become fresh and new. We do not see the banana bread as garbage or rotting fruit but rather we see it as a new and glorious creation. I love bananas and I love banana bread.

Consider this, there are many out there who have convinced themselves or others have persuaded them that they are so sullied that there is no hope for the future. They avoid the church because the church, in their opinion, is the judge and jury for the faith but this is, in my opinion, a fallacy. The church is supposed to be that place where everyone should be welcomed and provided the opportunity to learn about the Saviour. There are none too far gone that God would turn away from but it requires the individual to admit they have been living a rotten lifestyle and ask the Lord to cleanse them from their sins. There is always hope for a new start, there is always hope in Christ.

Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life emerges! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. 2 Cor 5:17-19 Msg

This Sunday, we welcome Rev Glenn Reeder as he brings a message of hope and joy.  We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person (we are limited to numbers inside the building) or online. Should you wish to join us online, click on either link below to join us live:

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See you all Sunday.


Pastor Todd


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