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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Does History Repeat Itself?

Consider this; after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 BC, the Pharisee became even more powerful. The beliefs and rituals became the foundation of the current practices where the Rabbis, teachers, took a prominent role in Judaism. The question for me revolves around the focus of their faith. Before I get started, let it be known that I am not bashing the Jewish nation but rather noting a difference between their ways and the ways of Christ. Both Christianity and Judaism focus on a wonderful and all powerful God that created all the universe but the methodology by which they live out their faith differs a lot. The Pharisee were focused on the rules and rituals of their faith. Not only were their a whole set of rules mentioned in the Torah that addressed daily life, but the Sanhedrin, the judicial system of the faith, had full authority to enforce the rules to their fullness. Now Christ came along and explained that the faith priorities were rather skewed. The rules, in their simplest form, could be put into two categories; love God, love your neighbour. Read every rule in the scriptures and you will find they fall into one of the two categories. When the rules become more important than the message, there is a problem. The wants of the people supersede the rules God put forward. Now look to the Temple. This was the place that went from being the Holy of Holies and became the place where the great Priests could be found and where the business of the faith was carried out. Jesus went into the outer court and turned tables and, when Christ gave up His last breath on the cross, the Temple was sullied as the veil was torn apart. The tearing of the veil signified the personal relationship with His children had begun and the need of a go between was no longer required.


It is time to look at our own faith practices in our faith communities. Do people see the church as that place where there are hoops to jump through and tasks to perform in order to get the opportunity to have a relationship with a loving God? Have we lost the focus on relationship and become mired in depths of the rules and rituals of mankind?  What would Jesus say is the most important rules in life? Look to the Word for the answer.


Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” Matt 22:36-40


I am not saying that we throw out the manuals and the rules but I am asking us all to reflect on our faith gatherings and ask the tough questions. Have we become the church of old mired in rules over relationship? Is the church a community gathering place or a temple that looks rather like the Temple of Christ’s time? Do we reflect the two great commandments or are we focused on those things that do not contribute the building of a relational community? I may get finger-slapped for asking these questions but I am sure that Christ would have something to say about the state of His house and be asking the same thing. Take some time to Google “Songs That Answer Questions” by the Gaither Vocal Band and consider this; are we arranging the pictures on the wall while the building burns around us?


Thank you for allowing me to poke the bear a bit. We invite you to join us online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST. Click on either link below to join us live:
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See you all Sunday.

Pastor Todd


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