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Monday, October 22, 2018

Prayer Circles

I was asked this week by someone very close to me for prayer. In fact it was for me to call on the big guns to increase the size of the prayer circle, because Satan was attacking, fiercely. Knowing the urgency, I immediately sent messages to prayer warriors that I trust. I then imagined a circular boundary, represented by the number of people who enter into prayer, all holding hands. The more people that are added the larger the circle. The larger the circle the harder it is for Satan to find a way in, and as a bonus it is a longer outside distance for him to run in order to find a way in. The more we can concentrate on God, the busier Satan will be trying to get in, and hopefully he’ll wear out before we do.

God covers all of us in our prayer requests, and in that Satan becomes so confused that he turns and runs, always toward someone who is in a weakened state. It’s at this time, that those of us who are strengthened by God, can circle around the weak, the infirmed, the desperate, the forgotten, and the attacked. You see, we all can be prayer warriors. All we need to do is obey God’s prompting. Do this and you will see just how powerful a simple prayer can be. It doesn’t need to be any long winded oration of fancy phrases and words. Just a simple little talk with Jesus about a situation will give Him permission to do the rest.

Now just because we start the process, does not mean we back off. No, it means we recruit others to join hands, join hearts, and join in. Safety in numbers comes to mind. When God sees our steadfast obedience in coming to Him with our prayers, He is well pleased. Intentions are fine, but action speaks louder than any words.

So my friends, pray when asked, and ask for prayer yourselves, often. Let us all create a prayer circle so large that Satan will never be able to even complete even one circle around it. Let’s make him so busy he’ll be dizzy, just like he does with us when we are weak. Let’s fight him with his own fire, and let God send him right back to where he belongs.

Today, let’s call on each other for prayer and create a circle that cannot be broken.

Mike Shindruk

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