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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Exclusive or Inclusive

Have you ever been denied access to something because you were not qualified or did not meet the prerequisites for admission? As a boy, I was denied access to a ride at the Edmonton Ex because I was too short. A friend of mine was denied access to an establishment because of his race. There were clubs that were supposedly open to all who applied but inclusion to the club did not mean that you were actually a part of the club. You were more than welcome to pay the dues but were never allowed into the inner circle, the cool kids club. Joey was smart enough to gain access but did not have the right credentials or lineage to truly be a part. Jeanie had the right lineage but did not fit the mold of what a true member needed to look like. Many times people do not even see this but that does not mean it doesn’t exist. Jeanie spent thousands of dollars to fit in, Joey gave up and walked away saying he would never be back.

I am going to probably cause some waves with this next statement but I am going to say it anyways. This is not just a part of secular society but also reals its ugly head in religion. Churches, denominations, faith groups around the world all suffer from the exclusivity bug. Let me ask you this, is it more important to conform to the laws of man if it means having to deny the rules of God to do so? If you need to become something else in order to enter the halls of a faith gathering, to have a voice in the community, where is the inclusiveness? Jesus did not sit in the halls of religious regulations but rather sought out the people that truly needed to hear the truth. Sinners and the sick were on the outside looking in, women and children were not even acknowledged in the census yet Jesus was there for them. The gentiles were heathens that would never be acknowledged by Jehovah yet the message of God was delivered to them through His apostles. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

This Sunday, we are going to look at the inclusive faith of a loving and compassionate Saviour and what an exclusiveness attitude can do to the church. We invite you to join us in person or online at 10:30 MST and can be seen live on Facebook ( or viewed afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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