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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Our Father's Face

As we, in our own way, mark Father’s Day, I encourage everyone to bear a few things in mind. Let’s agree to stop the world for a moment and just say a simple thank you. As a dad, I love when my kids tell me they love me, not just on this day, but every day. We are here because we had a father. Many, like me were blessed with a truly loving and hardworking father. He would shield our family from the world, yet allow enough of it in so we could stand strong as we grew up. As death called on him he carried the weight of his illness, as Christ carried His cross, so we wouldn’t have to. To me, that is what a father’s does.

I acknowledge that there are many out there who never knew a father’s love and that Father’s Day will be but another painful day to get through. That being said, I know that for every person who struggled through life without a dad, there was someone in their life that was a father figure and influence. It need not have to be by blood, yet by love that we made it this far. Many single moms are charged with the responsibility of also being a dad. There may have been a neighbour, uncle, or someone in church that has help to mould and shape you into who you are today.

Behind all father figures in our lives, there is one who we have never seen. We have yet to see His face, but we recognize Him in those who raise us up. We have never heard His voice, yet we hear His words in the encouragement of others in our lives. Actually, we have never met Him, yet we know Him more every day as we gather in His name. Of course I am writing about Jesus, God in flesh. How is it we can say we love a father we have never met? It is easy. Out of love, God sent His Son to be with us, to sacrifice Himself for us, and has written a book of promises that says He is coming back. While He is preparing a place for us, He shows us His love in every way imaginable, and in ways we cannot even imagine.

So close your eyes and picture in your mind all of the people who have loved, and love you now in your life. Then you will see our Father’s face. When you do, be sure to wish Him a Happy Father’s Day.

Mike Shindruk

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