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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Revived and Saved

Two of my favorite subjects to write or talk about is my Dad, and my Father. Both were on earth, both died, and are in Heaven. One is coming back, and the other is waiting there for a family reunion someday.
This week I met a man who, out of the blue told me of a time over thirty years ago when my dad saved an outboard motor from certain death. It was submerged in salt water, and a panic call to my dad resulted in it being transported to my dad’s repair shop. When it arrived, contaminated, my dad in a fever pitch, removed spark plugs gear oil, and anything that was in his way in order to rinse, flush and clean the insides with fresh running water. Dad worked tirelessly, and as a result the salt and silt that would have meant certain engine death, was gone. With tender loving care, that engine was revived and saved, and ran for many more years.
My heart was melted as this story came back to life, as I recall my dad doing this, many times. What touched me is that after so many years, my dad was remembered fondly to me, as his actions, and diligence made a lifelong impression on a stranger. Why? It’s because that’s how my dad was. He cared enough to do what it took to help someone.
I could not help but think that this is how our Father (Jesus) is. When we become contaminated, damaged, injured, and come to the drowning point, He is right there for us, when we call. When we lay ourselves at His feet and ask for help, He will immediately begin ripping, tearing, and removing all the things within us that harm us. Our saturated spirit will be drained so we can breathe. Our spark, or lack of, will be replaced with fire. Our silt, or grime in our souls will be flushed with His water until all of the contaminants are gone. He will keep working on us, even when it seems like there is no use, yet He will keep on keeping on. Just when all seems lost, we will crank back to life, and carry one for as many years as He gives us. Then, like that stranger to my dad, we will share our own story of being given up on by the world, delivered to our Master mechanic, cleaned, flushed, revived, and saved. All of this is, and will, be done by our Heavenly Dad, because that, is just way He is.

Mike Shindruk

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