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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Thanksgiving and Forgiveness

It is funny how the mind works. Sunday night, just as I was about to fall asleep, I started to wonder about the word “thanksgiving”. My mind continued to roll that thought around for a bit but my line of thinking turned to the word “forgiving”. Are these two related in any way and could there be an article in this? It is Tuesday now and I am at Little Country Cappuccino enjoying my homemade cinnamon bun with a hot cup of fresh brewed coffee and the thought came to my mind again; are thanksgiving and forgiving related?

Forgive, according to, suggests that the root is Old English from the original forgiefen. To split this word, one would consider the first syllable as for-, most likely meaning in this case to be completely and the second syllable giefan, to give or receive. Therefore, the word meaning would be to give or receive completely.

Now Thanksgiving is a newer word, according to Thanksgiving dates back to the Colony Pilgrims and was then thought to be a public celebration that acknowledges Divine favours. When we just take a word and look at the parts from our present understanding, there are times we miss things. Old English for thanks, sticking with the Divine aspect, meant gratefulness, grace, mercy and pardon among other things. Therefore, when we combine in the Old English, we can surmise the word meaning of Thanksgiving to be complete gratefulness, grace, mercy and pardon.

When Christ was on the cross, He called out to the Father, “Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do!” Consider the etymology of this declaration; receive them completely for they know not what they are doing. Despite their wrong doings give to them not just a little but completely. What a glorious declaration that should be welcomed with complete thanksgiving on our part. Complete gratefulness for the deliverance and complete grace mercy and pardon for us all and by us all to those around us.

This Sunday, we celebrate the joy and perfection of God’s love for us all and give thanks to the Creator of life, love and all joy. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or live on Facebook Live ( at 10:30 MST. You can also watch the service later in the week by going to our web page ( and clicking on the Live Stream Upload tab and clicking on the link for the Sunday service.


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