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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Let Us Flourish

I get emails from Flourishing Congregations Institute and look forward to reading the material but this month the title of the article floored me; Faith Communities With Nothing To Lose. I read the article ( and was not only staggered by the title but also the similarities to many churches I am watching grow in numbers and in influence. Our church was seeking change and when Natalie and I were interviewed, one of the questions we asked was “is the church open to new ideas?” The answer was a decisive yes and we have, as a family of faith, grown in numbers and faith.

Go back almost two thousand years. The governing bodies were very similar to events of today with dictators, army rule, corruption, immoral behaviour and so much more. The religious leaders had it great because nothing had changed significantly in their realm for decades and they were very comfortable. Then came Jesus. Christ rocked the world by teaching the Truth in both word and deed, built relationships and community, challenged the status quo and taught a nation how to love perfectly. He knew that there would be those who would challenge or even plot against Him but there needed to be a realignment to the way the world was looking at their faith walk.

Is your faith community willing to try something new or make changes in order to reach a seeking and hurting nation? One of the worst things I have ever heard is “we have never done it that way before” without there being the follow-up “let’s give it a shot; what do we have to lose?” Think about it,  Jesus went forward with nothing to lose! Is it time for us to follow suit? What do we have to lose?

We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or live on Facebook Live ( at 10:30 MST. You can also watch the service later in the week by going to our web page ( and clicking on the Live Stream Upload tab and clicking on the link for the Sunday service.


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