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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Follow Me, Not The World

I recall a conversation with my mother many years ago, as I was about to enter junior high school. We spoke about the many influences of being a teenager that would come upon me. She warned me not to take up smoking, experiment with drugs, or begin to hang around the wrong people just to fit in. She encouraged me to be a non-conformist, to listen to my conscience, and that my instincts would never let me down. Well, I listened, and that advice and encouragement has carried me a long way. I chose not to follow “the crowd”, and her words of wisdom are still carried within me today. Has it cost me friends, or opportunities along the way? Perhaps, but I can stand with pride on my family name knowing I’ve never dishonored my parents.

I thought about this single conversation this week as I reflected on some recent life changes. As another birthday came and went, I made decisions that are the best for my health, finances, and my family. All of these are in good shape, and it’s my intent to preserve them. I listened to that quiet still voice that I recognize as God, as He said, listen, follow, learn about, and most of all, trust Me. Well, I was obedient, and all is well with my soul.

I rolled this around in my head as I had some alone thinking time, while on my lawn tractor. I began to think of Jesus, and how He was also a non-conformist. He listened to His Father, not the masses. He shared God’s word, and was never intimidated by the Pharisee’s. He spoke truth, even when it cost Him his friends. He worked hard, was a loyal friend, and when He knew it was His time to rest, He did. He gave of himself to the point of His own death, and as a final act of love, asked Father God to forgive mankind.

Most of the world will never do any of these things, and these days, we don’t. Yet, all is not as lost as we are lead to believe. My encouragement is this. Follow your own path, live your own dream, while listening to our Father God when He says, my child, follow Me, not the world, as I have a plan for your life. If you are facing a change right now, please know that you are not alone, because God has you in the palms of His hands.

Mike Shindruk

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