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Sunday, June 4, 2017

And He Touched Me

As I sit here rolling this past week over in my mind, I am reminded of how blessed I am. I have seen how God’s hand was upon so many lives that are connected to mine, and I realize that only He can touch us like that. Only He could have brought so many people together the way He did these past weeks. He allows family to reconnect at a time when sibling contact is most needed. Only He can put people in each other’s’ path. He will heal a crying heart when good-byes for now, must be exchanged, and make those same hearts jump for joy in a reunion situation.

You see, as we go about with our daily lives, God is busy setting in motion all the circumstance to help us survive. Most of us will never realize that He touches us each day, yet He does. Jesus may be gone from our midst in the physical human form, yet as He promised, He sent Holy Spirit to dwell inside all of us, as told in John 16:7. The manner that we interact with each other in the good, is how He shows us that He is alive and well in our lives.

God’s hand is on us in everything we do. Whether we make life changing decisions in our personal or professional life, He touches us. If we are unsure of our resolve in certain things, He touches us. Through every health challenge, and healing, it is His hands that are on us. Regardless of how hard anyone tries to ignore Him, or push him aside in our weak moments, His hand remains on our shoulders, with a spirit of understanding and support. His still, soft voice will always have the power to drown out Satan, if we just drop our guard, and let Him in.

Now, I ask you, have you allowed God to touch you and your situation lately? If not, then take a que from me. He touched me this week, this month, this year, and all through this life He has given me. How great is a gift like Him, so free for the asking.

Mike Shindruk

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