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Friday, July 22, 2016

Rock of Ages

For a number of years now, our singing group, Master’s Hand Singers, has had the privilege of visiting local nursing homes to share the gospel through music and song with the residents. We may not get to know all of their names yet we have come to call them our friends. Many are independently mobile where others require assistance. Some are blind, some are quiet in their demeanor and some come keeping eyes closed just to worship. Much of this changes the moment we begin to sing. As we present the songs, both contemporary and traditional, we see the faces change as many sing along or at least emote to the familiar melodies and words of their long ago youth. We are blessed as we watch how God awakens in them a time when they all were vibrant active church members who, in all honesty, probably raised many of the churches we see in our community. It shows the power of God’s Word as it remains active in the minds and hearts of those in their last few years. Unlike mankind, God holds a purpose and a plan for us all, Jeremiah 29:11, even when we are given a seat in the “amen” corner.

I realized that even as we ourselves in our groups advance in years, we have been given the power of Jesus’ message of salvation and promise to share in a way He has designed. Like many worship teams who visit nursing homes, we will eventually allow the music and God’s message to be carried on by a younger generation.

Jesus told Peter that He would have His church built on a rock. Matthew 16:18 NIV Jesus says,” and I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it”. For two thousand years, God’s undefeated church has been on this rock. The elderly in our community raised churches on rock foundations and remain committed to Christ as they relive their youth when familiar hymns are presented. All of us today who speak or sing about Jesus continue to build His church on His rock. We can be assured that God’s enduring power is raising new generations to grab the baton and keep building. Through the ages the rock remains. After all, our Father knows best.

Mike Shindruk


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