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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Our World Cannot Silence Him

I hope that you are all still bathing in the glory of last weekend’s celebrations. Unlike Christmas, there are no decorations, colored lights, or gifts lingering about. For those who view Easter as a few holidays, rather than Holy Days, it’s back to life without chocolate. Yet for the rest of us, we realize the nature of a true miracle. Christ’s human body died, yet He has risen and is alive. No other event in history has made such an impact on the world. Jesus’ resurrection has been talked about and celebrated for almost two thousand years, and will be until the end of time as we know it. Man-made gods have come and gone, risen and fallen, yet the true Savior lives, as no grave could hold Him, and our world cannot silence Him.

Religions have tried to change His standing, and many even today deny Him, yet His rising from the dead is celebrated by more and more believers every year. That, is the power of the one and only true living God. In Exodus 20:3, and Deut.5:7, 6:14 we are commanded to worship no other gods or have idols as our god. Let us all remember this every day. I encourage you to allow the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection to stay in your hearts, and may we all keep Jesus alive in us.

Mike Shindruk

Master’s Hand Ministry

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