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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Return to Innocence

Most common question I hear from those who do not have a belief in Christ, “what proof do you that He exists”? What proof do I need? Does one need massive amounts of empirical proof before they believe in the person of Christ? Okay, let’s try this on for size. There are an estimated 6.9 billion people on this planet of which an estimated 2.2 billion are Christian, 1.6 billion are Muslim and 17.3 million Jewish people. Of that, Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah, Muslims believe Christ to be a great prophet of God and the Jews see Jesus as a rebel Rabbi. Jesus is identified, in writings, by over half the world’s population and, if you add the comment made by the Dalai Lama concerning Christ being enlightened, then you can add another 1.6 billion and that brings the total who acknowledge Christ to 5.5 billion people.

The argument of proof then moves to there is no footprint historically but this too is false. There are documents not only in the Christian libraries but the Roman documents concerning the Hebrew rebel, His disciples and the works of the Christian and the Jewish nations. The argument is then, “well these records don’t prove anything, most are false” yet these records are utilized in many archeological studies and research in the empirical community. So, where am I going with this?

My God says follow me, believe in me and love me with all your heart, soul, mind and body AND love your neighbour. Why are so many trying to deny a God who teaches peace and compassion? Yes, there are those out there who claim faith in Christ and do not walk the talk but there are so many more who walk the talk. Sometimes, what is needed is to turn against the flow of society, that is, always looking for the negativity around them, and give the way of Peace and Compassion a try. In John 20:27 Christ said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” All we are saying, like the Beatles said years ago, is give peace a chance!

This Communion Sunday, we celebrate Christ’s love for us and give thanks for the blessing He has been for us. Service starts at 10:30 MST and can be seen live on Facebook ( or viewed afterwards on our website ( Following the service, we will also enjoy each other’s company at the Fellowship Feast.

Pastor Todd

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